ויעש בצלאל את הארון עצי שיטים ... ויצפהו זהב טהור מבית ומחוץ
Betzalel made the Aron of Shittim/Acacia wood … He covered it with gold within and without. (37:1,2)
The Aron Hakodesh represents Torah and its disseminators. Torah is the lifeblood of our people. Thus, the Aron received special status within the framework of the Mishkan. It was a box constructed of wood, which was covered inside and outside with gold. All one saw was the gold. While the Torah scholar receives enormous esteem (or should) from the ha’mon am, general community, the wood is a reminder to him not to allow the accolades to make him lose sight of his inner essence. Humility should prevail over external praise. Rabbeinu Chananel views the arrangement of gold on wood as…