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“I can no longer go out and come in” (31:2)

Rashi explains that Moshe was not suggesting that the frailty of old age impeded him from going out and coming in. The Torah itself later attests to his remarkable vigorous health and physical vibrancy. Rather, Moshe indicated that Hashem had forbidden him from continuing in his current position as leader. Rashi’s explanation does not seem consistent with the literal definition of the word kfut which means “able”. The literal definition would be translated as, “I am no longer able.” This translation implies physical impediment and inability to continue. We may suggest that, indeed, when a tzaddik is prohibited from doing…

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“For the matter is very close to you, in your mouth and in your heart that you may do it.” (30:14)

There is a Midrash on the above pasuk which is particularly relevant at this time of year. Everyone is seeking areas in which to improve. Eliyahu Ha’Navi relates that he was once travelling from region to region, when he came across a man who sneered at him. Eliyahu was taken aback and immediately questioned the individual, “What will you respond to Hashem on the Day of Judgement?” The man quickly responded, “I have a simple answer to give my Father in Heaven. I will tell Him that I was not given sufficient understanding or intelligence to allow me to master…

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“And it came to pass when he heard the words of this curse that he bless himself in his heart saying: ‘I shall have peace, though in stubbornness of my heart do I walk that the water be added (unto him) with the dry.'” (29:18)

Rashi explains that Hashem will increase the retribution against the infidel in the following manner: The sins he had committed inadvertently, which in the past had been overlooked by Hashem, would be added to the accounting of his deliberate sins.  He cites Targum Onkelos who concurs that the unintentional sins would be added to the intentional ones.  We must endeavor to understand the intensity of this punishment.  What is really so harsh about this punishment? The Satmar Rebbe z.l. offers a novel interpretation of this pasuk. Chazal explain that this “curse” and bris, covenant, refer to the agreement Hashem made…

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“You are standing this day all of you before Hashem your G-d, your heads, your tribes, all the men of Yisrael… from the hewer of your wood, unto the drawer of your water.” (29:9,10)

The Torah distinguishes among the various kinds of Jews, noting that the profession of each reflects his station in life.  Indeed, the Torah  indicates that all members of the Jewish “body” – from the “head” to the “foot” – were assembled on Har Sinai on that auspicious day. The Baal Ha’Tanya mentions that, at times, the “foot” will assume the role  of the “head”. Metaphorically, although the head gives guidance to the foot, it is the foot which actually leads and carries the head and the rest of the body from place to place.  Consequently, in the spiritual realm, it…

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“And observe the words of this covenant.” (29:8)

Rashi explains that after forty years of travel in the desert, Klal Yisrael had attained a sublime level of dignity.  They perceived gadlus Ha’Boreh, the greatness of Hashem, and appreciated the boundless beneficence He had showered upon them. They realized that their remarkable military prowess, as well as their continued success and well-being could only be attributed to Hashem’s generosity. At this juncture, Hashem chose to make an agreement (covenant) with Klal Yisrael so that they would not forget all that transpired these forty years.  He wanted them to reflect upon their source of strength and not take personal credit…

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“You shall plant vineyards and dress them but you shall not drink of the wine… for the worm shall eat them. You shall have olive trees throughout all your borders but you shall not anoint yourself (with the) oil, for your olives shall drop off.” (28:39,40)

These pesukim which represent the tochechah, curses, present a question. The curses concerning the wine/grapes and those relating to the olives/oil are distinct. Regarding the wine, the Torah states that the grapes will be ruined and therefore there will be no wine. Regarding the olives, on the other hand, the Torah apparently states that we will have olives, but we will not be able to use their oil.  Consequently, it would seem that the curse regarding the wine/grapes was greater than that of the oil/olives. This concept, however, is inconsistent with Rabbi Yochanan’s statement in the Talmud, Bava Basra 8…

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“Blessed shall you be in the city and blessed shall you be in the field.” (28:3)

The Midrash adds to this pasuk. “In the merit of the mitzvos that you perform in the city you will be blessed therein; and in the merit of the mitzvos which you perform in the field, you will be blessed in the field.” What is this message and what are the mitzvos of the city and the field? Horav Mordechai Rogov z.l. interprets this Midrash homiletically. The city is an analogy for rest and solitude, peace and tranquility. It alludes to life in a structured, secure environment. The field, on the other hand, represents a place fraught with danger and…

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“And you shall take of the first of all the fruit of the ground… and you shall speak up and say before Hashem your G-d… When you make an end of the tithing of all the tithe… and you shall give unto the Levi, the ger, the orphan and the widow. And you should say before Hashem your G-d.” (26:12,13,25)

The parsha refers to two mitzvos which applied only when Klal Yisrael occupied Eretz Yisrael. They are the mitzvos of bikurim, the bringing of the first fruits, and maaser, the giving of tithes to the Levi, the widow and the orphan. Another tithe was maaser sheni, which was brought to Yerushalayim to be eaten among family and friends in joyful celebration. The fulfillment of each of these mitzvos was accompanied by a tefillah, prayer. One was known as mikra bikurim, the reading of pesukim of thanksgiving for the first fruits; the other was known as viduy maaser, the confession of…

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“And the Egyptians dealt ill with us and afflicted us.” (26:6)

Most commentators translate the word osanu as lanu, to/with us, referring to the harsh treatment to which we were subjected at the hands of the Egyptians.  Horav Mordechai Gifter, Shlita, suggests that the literal meaning is a more propitious definition. When the Egyptian leadership sought to enslave and ultimately destroy the Jewish people, they realized it would be difficult to convince the average Egyptian citizen to participate in this blatant anti- semitism.  They understood that first they must perform a successful campaign of vicious character assassination against the Jewish people. This negative propaganda would veil their virulent hatred of the…

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“You shall blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under the heavens.” (25:19)

What is the meaning of the “remembrance of Amalek”? Is it not sufficient simply to destroy Amalek?  Horav S.R.  Hirsch z.l. explains that it is not Amalek who is so threatening to the future of humanity. Rather, “zecher Amalek,” the remembrance of Amalek, the glorifying of Amalek’s memory, is the prime danger. As long as in the annals of history the murderers and plunderers are venerated as heroes, as long as these heinous criminals are not buried into oblivion, their names will gradually be “cleansed.” With each successive generation individuals will arise who seek to glorify these “great warriors.” These…

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