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“They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I shall dwell among them.” (25:8)

  A popular Yiddish maxim which is often related to a young couple who has become engaged or married is: “Der zivug zol oleh yafeh zein,” “The zivug, couple, union, should be good.” The word “oleh” has a number of definitions. The popular translation is “go up,” which would connote that “things should work out well for the young couple.” There are always “issues” when a young couple unite: personal, family, material. We hope that in due time, the situation will be a good one. The Satmar Rebbe, z.l., applied another definition of the word “oleh,” using gematria, numerical equivalent/value….

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“They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I shall dwell among them.” (25:8)

  A popular Yiddish maxim which is often related to a young couple who has become engaged or married is: “Der zivug zol oleh yafeh zein,” “The zivug, couple, union, should be good.” The word “oleh” has a number of definitions. The popular translation is “go up,” which would connote that “things should work out well for the young couple.” There are always “issues” when a young couple unite: personal, family, material. We hope that in due time, the situation will be a good one. The Satmar Rebbe, z.l., applied another definition of the word “oleh,” using gematria, numerical equivalent/value….

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“They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I shall dwell among them.” (25:8)

  A popular Yiddish maxim which is often related to a young couple who has become engaged or married is: “Der zivug zol oleh yafeh zein,” “The zivug, couple, union, should be good.” The word “oleh” has a number of definitions. The popular translation is “go up,” which would connote that “things should work out well for the young couple.” There are always “issues” when a young couple unite: personal, family, material. We hope that in due time, the situation will be a good one. The Satmar Rebbe, z.l., applied another definition of the word “oleh,” using gematria, numerical equivalent/value….

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“They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I shall dwell among them.” (25:8)

  A popular Yiddish maxim which is often related to a young couple who has become engaged or married is: “Der zivug zol oleh yafeh zein,” “The zivug, couple, union, should be good.” The word “oleh” has a number of definitions. The popular translation is “go up,” which would connote that “things should work out well for the young couple.” There are always “issues” when a young couple unite: personal, family, material. We hope that in due time, the situation will be a good one. The Satmar Rebbe, z.l., applied another definition of the word “oleh,” using gematria, numerical equivalent/value….

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“They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I shall dwell among them.” (25:8)

  A popular Yiddish maxim which is often related to a young couple who has become engaged or married is: “Der zivug zol oleh yafeh zein,” “The zivug, couple, union, should be good.” The word “oleh” has a number of definitions. The popular translation is “go up,” which would connote that “things should work out well for the young couple.” There are always “issues” when a young couple unite: personal, family, material. We hope that in due time, the situation will be a good one. The Satmar Rebbe, z.l., applied another definition of the word “oleh,” using gematria, numerical equivalent/value….

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“They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I shall dwell among them.” (25:8)

  A popular Yiddish maxim which is often related to a young couple who has become engaged or married is: “Der zivug zol oleh yafeh zein,” “The zivug, couple, union, should be good.” The word “oleh” has a number of definitions. The popular translation is “go up,” which would connote that “things should work out well for the young couple.” There are always “issues” when a young couple unite: personal, family, material. We hope that in due time, the situation will be a good one. The Satmar Rebbe, z.l., applied another definition of the word “oleh,” using gematria, numerical equivalent/value….

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“They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I shall dwell among them.” (25:8)

  A popular Yiddish maxim which is often related to a young couple who has become engaged or married is: “Der zivug zol oleh yafeh zein,” “The zivug, couple, union, should be good.” The word “oleh” has a number of definitions. The popular translation is “go up,” which would connote that “things should work out well for the young couple.” There are always “issues” when a young couple unite: personal, family, material. We hope that in due time, the situation will be a good one. The Satmar Rebbe, z.l., applied another definition of the word “oleh,” using gematria, numerical equivalent/value….

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“They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I shall dwell among them.” (25:8)

  Sforno comments that the sin of the eigel ha’zahav, the Golden Calf, catalyzed Hashem’s “decision” to have the Mishkan, Sanctuary, built. The spiritual disease that infected Klal Yisrael caused the people to act in a manner which bespeaks moral and spiritual depravity. Prior to their sin, they had been able to worship Hashem wholeheartedly from anywhere. He would dwell in their midst, despite the lack of a fixed place of worship. The Shechinah was all over, as it says in Shemos 20:21, “In every place where My Name is mentioned, I shall come to you and bless you.” The Altar…

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“They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I shall dwell among them.” (25:8)

  Sforno comments that the sin of the eigel ha’zahav, the Golden Calf, catalyzed Hashem’s “decision” to have the Mishkan, Sanctuary, built. The spiritual disease that infected Klal Yisrael caused the people to act in a manner which bespeaks moral and spiritual depravity. Prior to their sin, they had been able to worship Hashem wholeheartedly from anywhere. He would dwell in their midst, despite the lack of a fixed place of worship. The Shechinah was all over, as it says in Shemos 20:21, “In every place where My Name is mentioned, I shall come to you and bless you.” The Altar…

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“They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I shall dwell among them.” (25:8)

  Sforno comments that the sin of the eigel ha’zahav, the Golden Calf, catalyzed Hashem’s “decision” to have the Mishkan, Sanctuary, built. The spiritual disease that infected Klal Yisrael caused the people to act in a manner which bespeaks moral and spiritual depravity. Prior to their sin, they had been able to worship Hashem wholeheartedly from anywhere. He would dwell in their midst, despite the lack of a fixed place of worship. The Shechinah was all over, as it says in Shemos 20:21, “In every place where My Name is mentioned, I shall come to you and bless you.” The Altar…

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