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“Moshe did according to everything that Hashem commanded him.” (40:16)

Throughout the parsha, we note how Moshe Rabbeinu acted in accordance with Hashem’s command – es Moshe; “to Moshe” (i.e., 39:1,5,7,21,26; 40:19,21,23,25,27). Should it not have said oso; “to him,” rather than “to Moshe” as the Torah expresses here? Are they not one and the same? Horav Elchanan Wasserman, z.l., was wont to say that Moshe did not attribute any significance to himself in regard to his position as Moshe, the quintessential leader of the Jewish People. There was Moshe – the man, and Moshe – the leader: two different people. It is as if Moshe, the man, was standing…

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“Moshe did according to everything that Hashem commanded him.” (40:16)

Throughout the parsha, we note how Moshe Rabbeinu acted in accordance with Hashem’s command – es Moshe; “to Moshe” (i.e., 39:1,5,7,21,26; 40:19,21,23,25,27). Should it not have said oso; “to him,” rather than “to Moshe” as the Torah expresses here? Are they not one and the same? Horav Elchanan Wasserman, z.l., was wont to say that Moshe did not attribute any significance to himself in regard to his position as Moshe, the quintessential leader of the Jewish People. There was Moshe – the man, and Moshe – the leader: two different people. It is as if Moshe, the man, was standing…

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“Betzalel… made/did all that Hashem commanded Moshe.” (38:22)

Rashi cites an interesting dialogue that took place between Moshe Rabbeinu and Betzalel. Moshe had instructed Betzalel to fashion the Aron Ha’kodesh and then make the Mishkan. Betzalel questioned the sequence, “Should one first make the furniture and then construct the edifice which will contain them?” Moshe responded, “Your name, Betzalel, means b’tzel Keil, in the shadow of G-d. Surely, you must have been standing in the shadow of G-d, for that is what Hashem commanded me.” The commentators perceive Moshe’s response to mean that Betzalel grasped Hashem’s command accurately. This would imply that Moshe Rabbeinu who was surely greater…

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“Betzalel… made/did all that Hashem commanded Moshe.” (38:22)

Rashi cites an interesting dialogue that took place between Moshe Rabbeinu and Betzalel. Moshe had instructed Betzalel to fashion the Aron Ha’kodesh and then make the Mishkan. Betzalel questioned the sequence, “Should one first make the furniture and then construct the edifice which will contain them?” Moshe responded, “Your name, Betzalel, means b’tzel Keil, in the shadow of G-d. Surely, you must have been standing in the shadow of G-d, for that is what Hashem commanded me.” The commentators perceive Moshe’s response to mean that Betzalel grasped Hashem’s command accurately. This would imply that Moshe Rabbeinu who was surely greater…

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“Betzalel… made/did all that Hashem commanded Moshe.” (38:22)

Rashi cites an interesting dialogue that took place between Moshe Rabbeinu and Betzalel. Moshe had instructed Betzalel to fashion the Aron Ha’kodesh and then make the Mishkan. Betzalel questioned the sequence, “Should one first make the furniture and then construct the edifice which will contain them?” Moshe responded, “Your name, Betzalel, means b’tzel Keil, in the shadow of G-d. Surely, you must have been standing in the shadow of G-d, for that is what Hashem commanded me.” The commentators perceive Moshe’s response to mean that Betzalel grasped Hashem’s command accurately. This would imply that Moshe Rabbeinu who was surely greater…

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“Betzalel… made/did all that Hashem commanded Moshe.” (38:22)

Rashi cites an interesting dialogue that took place between Moshe Rabbeinu and Betzalel. Moshe had instructed Betzalel to fashion the Aron Ha’kodesh and then make the Mishkan. Betzalel questioned the sequence, “Should one first make the furniture and then construct the edifice which will contain them?” Moshe responded, “Your name, Betzalel, means b’tzel Keil, in the shadow of G-d. Surely, you must have been standing in the shadow of G-d, for that is what Hashem commanded me.” The commentators perceive Moshe’s response to mean that Betzalel grasped Hashem’s command accurately. This would imply that Moshe Rabbeinu who was surely greater…

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“Betzalel… made/did all that Hashem commanded Moshe.” (38:22)

Rashi cites an interesting dialogue that took place between Moshe Rabbeinu and Betzalel. Moshe had instructed Betzalel to fashion the Aron Ha’kodesh and then make the Mishkan. Betzalel questioned the sequence, “Should one first make the furniture and then construct the edifice which will contain them?” Moshe responded, “Your name, Betzalel, means b’tzel Keil, in the shadow of G-d. Surely, you must have been standing in the shadow of G-d, for that is what Hashem commanded me.” The commentators perceive Moshe’s response to mean that Betzalel grasped Hashem’s command accurately. This would imply that Moshe Rabbeinu who was surely greater…

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“Betzalel… made/did all that Hashem commanded Moshe.” (38:22)

Rashi cites an interesting dialogue that took place between Moshe Rabbeinu and Betzalel. Moshe had instructed Betzalel to fashion the Aron Ha’kodesh and then make the Mishkan. Betzalel questioned the sequence, “Should one first make the furniture and then construct the edifice which will contain them?” Moshe responded, “Your name, Betzalel, means b’tzel Keil, in the shadow of G-d. Surely, you must have been standing in the shadow of G-d, for that is what Hashem commanded me.” The commentators perceive Moshe’s response to mean that Betzalel grasped Hashem’s command accurately. This would imply that Moshe Rabbeinu who was surely greater…

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“Betzalel… made/did all that Hashem commanded Moshe.” (38:22)

Rashi cites an interesting dialogue that took place between Moshe Rabbeinu and Betzalel. Moshe had instructed Betzalel to fashion the Aron Ha’kodesh and then make the Mishkan. Betzalel questioned the sequence, “Should one first make the furniture and then construct the edifice which will contain them?” Moshe responded, “Your name, Betzalel, means b’tzel Keil, in the shadow of G-d. Surely, you must have been standing in the shadow of G-d, for that is what Hashem commanded me.” The commentators perceive Moshe’s response to mean that Betzalel grasped Hashem’s command accurately. This would imply that Moshe Rabbeinu who was surely greater…

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“Betzalel… made/did all that Hashem commanded Moshe.” (38:22)

Rashi cites an interesting dialogue that took place between Moshe Rabbeinu and Betzalel. Moshe had instructed Betzalel to fashion the Aron Ha’kodesh and then make the Mishkan. Betzalel questioned the sequence, “Should one first make the furniture and then construct the edifice which will contain them?” Moshe responded, “Your name, Betzalel, means b’tzel Keil, in the shadow of G-d. Surely, you must have been standing in the shadow of G-d, for that is what Hashem commanded me.” The commentators perceive Moshe’s response to mean that Betzalel grasped Hashem’s command accurately. This would imply that Moshe Rabbeinu who was surely greater…

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