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“The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic…he shall separate the ash…and place it next to the Altar. He shall remove his garments and don other garments, and he shall remove the ash to the outside of the camp.” (6:3-4)

In the Talmud Yoma 23b, Chazal explain that the Kohen’s act of removing his garments was an act of derech eretz, good manners and courtesy. It is not proper for a servant to pour wine for his master while wearing the same garments that he wore when he was cooking the meal. Horav Mordechai Gifter, z.l., derives a powerful message from Chazal’s words. A human king has many servants, each performing a specific function. The cook prepares the food, restricting his area of expertise to the kitchen. In contrast, the king’s waiter is someone whose training, refinement and breeding benefit…

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“The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic…he shall separate the ash…and place it next to the Altar. He shall remove his garments and don other garments, and he shall remove the ash to the outside of the camp.” (6:3-4)

In the Talmud Yoma 23b, Chazal explain that the Kohen’s act of removing his garments was an act of derech eretz, good manners and courtesy. It is not proper for a servant to pour wine for his master while wearing the same garments that he wore when he was cooking the meal. Horav Mordechai Gifter, z.l., derives a powerful message from Chazal’s words. A human king has many servants, each performing a specific function. The cook prepares the food, restricting his area of expertise to the kitchen. In contrast, the king’s waiter is someone whose training, refinement and breeding benefit…

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“The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic…he shall separate the ash…and place it next to the Altar. He shall remove his garments and don other garments, and he shall remove the ash to the outside of the camp.” (6:3-4)

In the Talmud Yoma 23b, Chazal explain that the Kohen’s act of removing his garments was an act of derech eretz, good manners and courtesy. It is not proper for a servant to pour wine for his master while wearing the same garments that he wore when he was cooking the meal. Horav Mordechai Gifter, z.l., derives a powerful message from Chazal’s words. A human king has many servants, each performing a specific function. The cook prepares the food, restricting his area of expertise to the kitchen. In contrast, the king’s waiter is someone whose training, refinement and breeding benefit…

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“The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic…he shall separate the ash…and place it next to the Altar. He shall remove his garments and don other garments, and he shall remove the ash to the outside of the camp.” (6:3-4)

In the Talmud Yoma 23b, Chazal explain that the Kohen’s act of removing his garments was an act of derech eretz, good manners and courtesy. It is not proper for a servant to pour wine for his master while wearing the same garments that he wore when he was cooking the meal. Horav Mordechai Gifter, z.l., derives a powerful message from Chazal’s words. A human king has many servants, each performing a specific function. The cook prepares the food, restricting his area of expertise to the kitchen. In contrast, the king’s waiter is someone whose training, refinement and breeding benefit…

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“The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic…he shall separate the ash…and place it next to the Altar. He shall remove his garments and don other garments, and he shall remove the ash to the outside of the camp.” (6:3-4)

In the Talmud Yoma 23b, Chazal explain that the Kohen’s act of removing his garments was an act of derech eretz, good manners and courtesy. It is not proper for a servant to pour wine for his master while wearing the same garments that he wore when he was cooking the meal. Horav Mordechai Gifter, z.l., derives a powerful message from Chazal’s words. A human king has many servants, each performing a specific function. The cook prepares the food, restricting his area of expertise to the kitchen. In contrast, the king’s waiter is someone whose training, refinement and breeding benefit…

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“The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic.” (6:3)

Rashi explains that the vestments the Kohen wears must fit according to his body measurements. They should be neither too long, nor too short. Horav Tzvi Hirsch Ferber, z.l., interprets this idea figuratively. Regrettably, sometimes when a person is accorded great honor and “dressed” in royal finery – lauded, praised and esteemed – the raiments are “too long.” They are greater than he actually is. He is not worthy of all the accolades and honor that the community is showering upon him. The individual who is the paragon of virtue and respectability provides a contrast. A man of sterling character,…

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“The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic.” (6:3)

Rashi explains that the vestments the Kohen wears must fit according to his body measurements. They should be neither too long, nor too short. Horav Tzvi Hirsch Ferber, z.l., interprets this idea figuratively. Regrettably, sometimes when a person is accorded great honor and “dressed” in royal finery – lauded, praised and esteemed – the raiments are “too long.” They are greater than he actually is. He is not worthy of all the accolades and honor that the community is showering upon him. The individual who is the paragon of virtue and respectability provides a contrast. A man of sterling character,…

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“The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic.” (6:3)

Rashi explains that the vestments the Kohen wears must fit according to his body measurements. They should be neither too long, nor too short. Horav Tzvi Hirsch Ferber, z.l., interprets this idea figuratively. Regrettably, sometimes when a person is accorded great honor and “dressed” in royal finery – lauded, praised and esteemed – the raiments are “too long.” They are greater than he actually is. He is not worthy of all the accolades and honor that the community is showering upon him. The individual who is the paragon of virtue and respectability provides a contrast. A man of sterling character,…

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“The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic.” (6:3)

Rashi explains that the vestments the Kohen wears must fit according to his body measurements. They should be neither too long, nor too short. Horav Tzvi Hirsch Ferber, z.l., interprets this idea figuratively. Regrettably, sometimes when a person is accorded great honor and “dressed” in royal finery – lauded, praised and esteemed – the raiments are “too long.” They are greater than he actually is. He is not worthy of all the accolades and honor that the community is showering upon him. The individual who is the paragon of virtue and respectability provides a contrast. A man of sterling character,…

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“The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic.” (6:3)

Rashi explains that the vestments the Kohen wears must fit according to his body measurements. They should be neither too long, nor too short. Horav Tzvi Hirsch Ferber, z.l., interprets this idea figuratively. Regrettably, sometimes when a person is accorded great honor and “dressed” in royal finery – lauded, praised and esteemed – the raiments are “too long.” They are greater than he actually is. He is not worthy of all the accolades and honor that the community is showering upon him. The individual who is the paragon of virtue and respectability provides a contrast. A man of sterling character,…

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