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“If a man takes a vow to Hashem… to prohibit a prohibition upon himself, he shall not profane his word; according to whatever comes from his mouth shall he do.” (30:3)

Chochmas HaMitzpon draws a penetrating analogy from the laws of Nedarim, vows, and the Torah’s admonition to keep one’s word to the regular prohibitions of the Torah. It is well- known that if one is ill with a serious disease, he will seek out a specialist in that field. Even specialists have various levels of experience. Commensurate with the gravity of the illness, one will make every effort to see the most qualified practitioner. There seems to be a parallel between the physician’s level of expertise and the seriousness of the disease. The more qualified the physician one seeks, the…

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“If a man takes a vow to Hashem… to prohibit a prohibition upon himself, he shall not profane his word; according to whatever comes from his mouth shall he do.” (30:3)

Chochmas HaMitzpon draws a penetrating analogy from the laws of Nedarim, vows, and the Torah’s admonition to keep one’s word to the regular prohibitions of the Torah. It is well- known that if one is ill with a serious disease, he will seek out a specialist in that field. Even specialists have various levels of experience. Commensurate with the gravity of the illness, one will make every effort to see the most qualified practitioner. There seems to be a parallel between the physician’s level of expertise and the seriousness of the disease. The more qualified the physician one seeks, the…

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“If a man takes a vow to Hashem… to prohibit a prohibition upon himself, he shall not profane his word; according to whatever comes from his mouth shall he do.” (30:3)

Chochmas HaMitzpon draws a penetrating analogy from the laws of Nedarim, vows, and the Torah’s admonition to keep one’s word to the regular prohibitions of the Torah. It is well- known that if one is ill with a serious disease, he will seek out a specialist in that field. Even specialists have various levels of experience. Commensurate with the gravity of the illness, one will make every effort to see the most qualified practitioner. There seems to be a parallel between the physician’s level of expertise and the seriousness of the disease. The more qualified the physician one seeks, the…

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“He (Moshe) took Yehoshua and stood him before Elazar the Kohen and before the entire assembly.” (27:22)

The Yalkut describes the scene in which Yehoshua was “handed over” to the assembly, as Moshe Rabbeinu presented his successor to the nation. Moshe and the people lifted their heads to listen to Yehoshua. What did Yehoshua say? He said, “Blessed is Hashem Who gave the Torah to His Nation, Yisrael, through Moshe Rabbeinu.” We all know that a leader’s inauguration address sets the tone for his administration. His remarks are carefully weighed and articulated in the best possible manner. Ostensibly, Yehoshua was no different. He meticulously prepared his first major address, his acceptance speech, with care and deliberation. Why…

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“He (Moshe) took Yehoshua and stood him before Elazar the Kohen and before the entire assembly.” (27:22)

The Yalkut describes the scene in which Yehoshua was “handed over” to the assembly, as Moshe Rabbeinu presented his successor to the nation. Moshe and the people lifted their heads to listen to Yehoshua. What did Yehoshua say? He said, “Blessed is Hashem Who gave the Torah to His Nation, Yisrael, through Moshe Rabbeinu.” We all know that a leader’s inauguration address sets the tone for his administration. His remarks are carefully weighed and articulated in the best possible manner. Ostensibly, Yehoshua was no different. He meticulously prepared his first major address, his acceptance speech, with care and deliberation. Why…

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“He (Moshe) took Yehoshua and stood him before Elazar the Kohen and before the entire assembly.” (27:22)

The Yalkut describes the scene in which Yehoshua was “handed over” to the assembly, as Moshe Rabbeinu presented his successor to the nation. Moshe and the people lifted their heads to listen to Yehoshua. What did Yehoshua say? He said, “Blessed is Hashem Who gave the Torah to His Nation, Yisrael, through Moshe Rabbeinu.” We all know that a leader’s inauguration address sets the tone for his administration. His remarks are carefully weighed and articulated in the best possible manner. Ostensibly, Yehoshua was no different. He meticulously prepared his first major address, his acceptance speech, with care and deliberation. Why…

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“He (Moshe) took Yehoshua and stood him before Elazar the Kohen and before the entire assembly.” (27:22)

The Yalkut describes the scene in which Yehoshua was “handed over” to the assembly, as Moshe Rabbeinu presented his successor to the nation. Moshe and the people lifted their heads to listen to Yehoshua. What did Yehoshua say? He said, “Blessed is Hashem Who gave the Torah to His Nation, Yisrael, through Moshe Rabbeinu.” We all know that a leader’s inauguration address sets the tone for his administration. His remarks are carefully weighed and articulated in the best possible manner. Ostensibly, Yehoshua was no different. He meticulously prepared his first major address, his acceptance speech, with care and deliberation. Why…

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“He (Moshe) took Yehoshua and stood him before Elazar the Kohen and before the entire assembly.” (27:22)

The Yalkut describes the scene in which Yehoshua was “handed over” to the assembly, as Moshe Rabbeinu presented his successor to the nation. Moshe and the people lifted their heads to listen to Yehoshua. What did Yehoshua say? He said, “Blessed is Hashem Who gave the Torah to His Nation, Yisrael, through Moshe Rabbeinu.” We all know that a leader’s inauguration address sets the tone for his administration. His remarks are carefully weighed and articulated in the best possible manner. Ostensibly, Yehoshua was no different. He meticulously prepared his first major address, his acceptance speech, with care and deliberation. Why…

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“He (Moshe) took Yehoshua and stood him before Elazar the Kohen and before the entire assembly.” (27:22)

The Yalkut describes the scene in which Yehoshua was “handed over” to the assembly, as Moshe Rabbeinu presented his successor to the nation. Moshe and the people lifted their heads to listen to Yehoshua. What did Yehoshua say? He said, “Blessed is Hashem Who gave the Torah to His Nation, Yisrael, through Moshe Rabbeinu.” We all know that a leader’s inauguration address sets the tone for his administration. His remarks are carefully weighed and articulated in the best possible manner. Ostensibly, Yehoshua was no different. He meticulously prepared his first major address, his acceptance speech, with care and deliberation. Why…

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“He (Moshe) took Yehoshua and stood him before Elazar the Kohen and before the entire assembly.” (27:22)

The Yalkut describes the scene in which Yehoshua was “handed over” to the assembly, as Moshe Rabbeinu presented his successor to the nation. Moshe and the people lifted their heads to listen to Yehoshua. What did Yehoshua say? He said, “Blessed is Hashem Who gave the Torah to His Nation, Yisrael, through Moshe Rabbeinu.” We all know that a leader’s inauguration address sets the tone for his administration. His remarks are carefully weighed and articulated in the best possible manner. Ostensibly, Yehoshua was no different. He meticulously prepared his first major address, his acceptance speech, with care and deliberation. Why…

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