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“Then Lavan and Besuel answered and said, ‘The matter stemmed from Hashem.’” (24:50)

  Three words – “mei’Hashem yatza ha’davar,” “the matter stemmed from Hashem.” Even the wicked Lavan and Besuel saw what so many who demonstrate spiritual myopia refuse to acknowledge: Everything comes from Hashem; He is the source of all that occurs. When we take note of what happens around us and how everything has transpired, how the various pieces of the puzzle many of us call life just “seem” to fit together, we will realize that it can only be attributed to Hashem’s guiding Hand. Stories abound which demonstrate the concept of “mei’Hashem yatza ha’davar.” One that is especially intriguing…

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“Then Lavan and Besuel answered and said, ‘The matter stemmed from Hashem.’” (24:50)

  Three words – “mei’Hashem yatza ha’davar,” “the matter stemmed from Hashem.” Even the wicked Lavan and Besuel saw what so many who demonstrate spiritual myopia refuse to acknowledge: Everything comes from Hashem; He is the source of all that occurs. When we take note of what happens around us and how everything has transpired, how the various pieces of the puzzle many of us call life just “seem” to fit together, we will realize that it can only be attributed to Hashem’s guiding Hand. Stories abound which demonstrate the concept of “mei’Hashem yatza ha’davar.” One that is especially intriguing…

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“Then Lavan and Besuel answered and said, ‘The matter stemmed from Hashem.’” (24:50)

  Three words – “mei’Hashem yatza ha’davar,” “the matter stemmed from Hashem.” Even the wicked Lavan and Besuel saw what so many who demonstrate spiritual myopia refuse to acknowledge: Everything comes from Hashem; He is the source of all that occurs. When we take note of what happens around us and how everything has transpired, how the various pieces of the puzzle many of us call life just “seem” to fit together, we will realize that it can only be attributed to Hashem’s guiding Hand. Stories abound which demonstrate the concept of “mei’Hashem yatza ha’davar.” One that is especially intriguing…

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“Then Lavan and Besuel answered and said, ‘The matter stemmed from Hashem.’” (24:50)

  Three words – “mei’Hashem yatza ha’davar,” “the matter stemmed from Hashem.” Even the wicked Lavan and Besuel saw what so many who demonstrate spiritual myopia refuse to acknowledge: Everything comes from Hashem; He is the source of all that occurs. When we take note of what happens around us and how everything has transpired, how the various pieces of the puzzle many of us call life just “seem” to fit together, we will realize that it can only be attributed to Hashem’s guiding Hand. Stories abound which demonstrate the concept of “mei’Hashem yatza ha’davar.” One that is especially intriguing…

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“Then Lavan and Besuel answered and said, ‘The matter stemmed from Hashem.’” (24:50)

  Three words – “mei’Hashem yatza ha’davar,” “the matter stemmed from Hashem.” Even the wicked Lavan and Besuel saw what so many who demonstrate spiritual myopia refuse to acknowledge: Everything comes from Hashem; He is the source of all that occurs. When we take note of what happens around us and how everything has transpired, how the various pieces of the puzzle many of us call life just “seem” to fit together, we will realize that it can only be attributed to Hashem’s guiding Hand. Stories abound which demonstrate the concept of “mei’Hashem yatza ha’davar.” One that is especially intriguing…

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“Let it be that the maiden to whom I shall say, “’Please tip over your jug so I may drink’ and who replies, ‘Drink, and I will even water your camels,’ her will You have designated for Your servant, for Yitzchak.” (24:14)

  That is exactly what happened. Rivkah passed the litmus test for becoming Yitzchak’s wife. She demonstrated that she possessed exemplary character traits. Her act of   kindness towards Eliezer and his camels indicated that she was a baalas chesed, kind, sensitive, caring person. We have to ask ourselves: Is this enough to be the wife of Yitzchak, the Olah Temimah, perfect sacrifice? Is chesed all that one needs in order to become the wife of the one who lay still at the Akeidah, willing and ready to forfeit his life because his father was commanded so by Hashem? While chesed…

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“Let it be that the maiden to whom I shall say, “’Please tip over your jug so I may drink’ and who replies, ‘Drink, and I will even water your camels,’ her will You have designated for Your servant, for Yitzchak.” (24:14)

  That is exactly what happened. Rivkah passed the litmus test for becoming Yitzchak’s wife. She demonstrated that she possessed exemplary character traits. Her act of   kindness towards Eliezer and his camels indicated that she was a baalas chesed, kind, sensitive, caring person. We have to ask ourselves: Is this enough to be the wife of Yitzchak, the Olah Temimah, perfect sacrifice? Is chesed all that one needs in order to become the wife of the one who lay still at the Akeidah, willing and ready to forfeit his life because his father was commanded so by Hashem? While chesed…

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“Let it be that the maiden to whom I shall say, “’Please tip over your jug so I may drink’ and who replies, ‘Drink, and I will even water your camels,’ her will You have designated for Your servant, for Yitzchak.” (24:14)

  That is exactly what happened. Rivkah passed the litmus test for becoming Yitzchak’s wife. She demonstrated that she possessed exemplary character traits. Her act of   kindness towards Eliezer and his camels indicated that she was a baalas chesed, kind, sensitive, caring person. We have to ask ourselves: Is this enough to be the wife of Yitzchak, the Olah Temimah, perfect sacrifice? Is chesed all that one needs in order to become the wife of the one who lay still at the Akeidah, willing and ready to forfeit his life because his father was commanded so by Hashem? While chesed…

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“Let it be that the maiden to whom I shall say, “’Please tip over your jug so I may drink’ and who replies, ‘Drink, and I will even water your camels,’ her will You have designated for Your servant, for Yitzchak.” (24:14)

  That is exactly what happened. Rivkah passed the litmus test for becoming Yitzchak’s wife. She demonstrated that she possessed exemplary character traits. Her act of   kindness towards Eliezer and his camels indicated that she was a baalas chesed, kind, sensitive, caring person. We have to ask ourselves: Is this enough to be the wife of Yitzchak, the Olah Temimah, perfect sacrifice? Is chesed all that one needs in order to become the wife of the one who lay still at the Akeidah, willing and ready to forfeit his life because his father was commanded so by Hashem? While chesed…

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“Let it be that the maiden to whom I shall say, “’Please tip over your jug so I may drink’ and who replies, ‘Drink, and I will even water your camels,’ her will You have designated for Your servant, for Yitzchak.” (24:14)

  That is exactly what happened. Rivkah passed the litmus test for becoming Yitzchak’s wife. She demonstrated that she possessed exemplary character traits. Her act of   kindness towards Eliezer and his camels indicated that she was a baalas chesed, kind, sensitive, caring person. We have to ask ourselves: Is this enough to be the wife of Yitzchak, the Olah Temimah, perfect sacrifice? Is chesed all that one needs in order to become the wife of the one who lay still at the Akeidah, willing and ready to forfeit his life because his father was commanded so by Hashem? While chesed…

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