ואת יהודה שלח לפניו אל יוסף להורות לפניו גשנה
Rashi teaches that Yaakov Avinu dispatched Yehudah on a mission to Egypt for more than merely making arrangements for the family’s arrival. The Midrash interprets l’horos as “to teach.” This implies that Yaakov sent Yehudah to establish the first yeshivah in Egypt. The “Yeshivah Gedolah of Goshen” set a precedent for all time. Torah education must be a community’s priority number one. A city without a makom Torah, place where Torah is studied, lacks the most critical component of its Jewishness. A Jewish community without a makom Torah is not Jewish! Horav Moshe Yaakov Ribicov, zl, popularly known as the…