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ואתכם יהיו איש איש למטה איש ראש לבית אבתיו הוא

And with you shall be one man from each tribe; a man who is a leader of his father’s household. (1:4)

The Kli Yakar sees a redundancy in this pasuk: “One man from each tribe; a leader of his father’s household.” Being the appointed one of each tribe is quite a distinctive position. Why is it necessary to add that he be a leader of his father’s household? In his Toras Chaim, Horav Chaim Toyto, Shlita, explains this in his inimitable manner – with two stories. It is related that when the venerable Kotzker Rebbe, Horav Menachem Mendel, zl, was a young boy, a fire broke out in his hometown. In those days, houses were made of wood; thus, they were…

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Bnei Yisrael shall encamp, each man by his banner, according to the insignias of their fathers’ household, at a distance surrounding the Ohel Moed shall they encamp. (2:2)

The words mineged, which is usually defined as “opposite,” and saviv, which means “surrounding,” contrast one another. Were the Jews opposite the Ohel Moed, or were they camped surrounding it? Veritably, these terms complement one another, as explained by Horav Chaim Toyto, Shlita, with the following story. An observant physician from Germany decided that he wanted to visit the blossoming Torah world of Lithuanian Jewry. After all, he was a frum, observant, doctor who meticulously adhered to all the mitzvos. He wanted to see what about Lithuanian yeshivah life differed from his lifestyle. One can imagine the culture shock when…

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איש על דגלו באתת לבית אבותם

Each man by his banner, according to the insignias of their fathers’ household. (2:2)

Each tribe received a designated spot around the Mishkan. At first, Moshe Rabbeinu was concerned that a dispute might arise between the tribes. Quite possibly, each individual tribe had its own idea concerning its placement. Hashem told Moshe that he need not worry. The tribes knew their place, understanding that the configuration determined by their Patriarch, Yaakov Avinu, would apply now as well. The tribes accepted their grandfather’s decision; what he had decided hundreds of years earlier was still applicable today. How are we to understand this? The tribe that might question Moshe’s decision could just as well question Yaakov’s…

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איש אל דגלו באתות לבית אבותם יחנו בני ישראל

Bnei Yisrael shall encamp, each man by his banner, according to the insignias of their fathers’ household. (2:2)

Klal Yisrael was to travel as a collective group in formation, three tribes, each with a distinctively colored banner/flag representative of its individual characteristic. Each triumvirate group was led by a designated tribe. Each tribal banner was the same color as its corresponding stone on the Breastplate, Choshen, of the Kohen Gadol. Their positions around the Mishkan were to be the same as those designated by Yaakov Avinu for his sons when they were to escort his coffin for burial. This is what is meant by ossos l’bais avosam, “According to the insignias of their fathers’ household.” This idea is…

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ואתכם יהיו איש איש למטה איש ראש לבית אבתיו הוא

And with you shall be one man from each tribe; a man who is a leader of his father’s household. (1:4)

The Kli Yakar sees a redundancy in this pasuk: “One man from each tribe; a leader of his father’s household.” Being the appointed one of each tribe is quite a distinctive position. Why is it necessary to add that he be a leader of his father’s household? In his Toras Chaim, Horav Chaim Toyto, Shlita, explains this in his inimitable manner – with two stories. It is related that when the venerable Kotzker Rebbe, Horav Menachem Mendel, zl, was a young boy, a fire broke out in his hometown. In those days, houses were made of wood; thus, they were…

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“And there died Moshe, servant of Hashem . . . and no man knows his grave unto this day.” (34:5,6)

It seems strange that the life of the pre-eminent leader of Klal Yisrael came to an end with so little attention directed to it. Indeed, the appellation used to describe the essence of the man who achieved the apotheosis of spiritual leadership is simply ‘s scg, the servant of Hashem. Horav S.R. Hirsch, z.l., explains that, in fact, this characterization of Moshe represents the ultimate tribute to him. Moshe’s entire life was devoted to Hashem and His people. He was an “eved Hashem,” servant of Hashem, in the truest sense of the word. He achieved total self-abnegation, so that his…

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“And Moshe died there.” (34:5)

The Zohar Ha’kadosh states that Moshe Rabbeinu died on Shabbos at Minchah time. Similarly, according to the Zohar, Yosef Ha’tzaddik and David Ha’melech also died on Shabbos during Minchah time. It is specifically for this reason that we recite three pesukim which begin with the word l,esm, Your righteousness, as a form of ihsv eusm, which constitutes acceptance of Hashem’s judgement at this time. Horav Nissan Alpert, z.l., questions the reference to the time of Moshe’s death. The Torah states that Moshe told Bnei Yisrael, “I am one hundred and twenty years old today.” This implies that Moshe reached this…

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“And Moshe died there.” (34:5)

The Zohar Ha’kadosh states that Moshe Rabbeinu died on Shabbos at Minchah time. Similarly, according to the Zohar, Yosef Ha’tzaddik and David Ha’melech also died on Shabbos during Minchah time. It is specifically for this reason that we recite three pesukim which begin with the word l,esm, Your righteousness, as a form of ihsv eusm, which constitutes acceptance of Hashem’s judgement at this time. Horav Nissan Alpert, z.l., questions the reference to the time of Moshe’s death. The Torah states that Moshe told Bnei Yisrael, “I am one hundred and twenty years old today.” This implies that Moshe reached this…

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“And to Zevulun he said: Rejoice Zevulun in your going out, and, Yissachar, rejoice in your tents.” (33:18)

The Yissachar-Zevulun relationship was truly unique. Indeed, Moshe blessed these two brothers concurrently, since Zevulun, who engaged in commerce, split his earnings with Yissachar, who devoted his time to Torah study. The Zohar Ha’kadosh explains that Yissachar and Zevulun shared equally. Zevulun shared his material abundance with Yissachar, while Yissachar enabled Zevulun to receive a portion in the World to Come. This “equality,” however, seems puzzling. Is there any way to compare the eternal bliss of Olam Ha’bah to the limited material benefits of Olam Ha’zeh? Why, then, is this viewed as a parallel partnership? Horav Ch. Elazary, z.l., explains…

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“Who said of his father and of his mother ‘I have not seen him’ neither did he acknowledge his brothers.” (33:9)

Rashi explains that the terms “father” and “brother” used in the pasuk does not refer to the Levi’s real father or brother, since no member of the tribe of Levi had sinned. He, therefore, suggests that these terms refer to their mother’s father or a brother from the same mother who, in either case, was a Yisrael. If this is the case, why does the Torah emphasize the words father and brother? Horav Nissan Alpert, z.l., suggests the following thought. The Leviim killed the sinners because of their zealousness for the sake of Hashem’s Name. One might hypothesize that they…

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