והארץ לא תימכר לצמיתות כי לי הארץ כי גרים ותושבים אתם עמדי
One who delves into the mitzvos of Shemittah and Yoveil will infer that their motif is to teach man that he lacks ownership of the land – and, for that matter, of anything. Man is temporary; life is as fleeting as the moment. We are here by the grace of G-d, and we had better live our lives like that. The Torah wants us to acknowledge that L’Hashem ha’aretz u’meloah, teival v’yoshvei vah, “To Hashem (belongs) the earth and its fullness, the inhabited land and those who dwell in it” (Tehillim 24:1). Man walks the earth thinking that it is…