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Do not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaani in whose land I dwell. (24:37)

Avraham Avinu rejected the Canaani as potential mechutanim, people from whom he was willing to take a wife for Yitzchak, because of their moral degeneracy.  While his “family” were idol- worshippers, their iniquity was basically in the intellectual realm.  Philosophic sin can be cured without leaving a blemish upon the individual’s character.  A lack of morality and ethics affects the entire psyche of the person.  Such a person was disqualified from being a mate for Yitzchak.  We see that the Torah presents a  picture  of Lavan and Besuel, Rivkah’s brother and father, Avraham’s “family” who were acceptable for a shidduch…

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And Avraham was old, well on in years…and Avraham said to his servant…that you not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaani. (24:1,3)

Nowhere in the Torah is so much space devoted to one incident, as it is to Avraham’s initial command to Eliezer, his servant, followed by the eventual securing of a wife for Yitzchak.  Indeed, the Ten Commandments occupy only fourteen pesukim, while the story of Yitzchak and Rivkah take up sixty seven pesukim!  We infer from here the overwhelming significance of Jewish continuity.  Avraham’s mission in life, together with that of Sarah Imeinu, would die with them if there were to be no one faithful to carry on their legacy.  Without a secure family, devoted and committed to the faith…

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And Avraham said to his servant, the elder of his household who controlled all that was his…that you not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaani. (24:1,3)

The Torah  places great emphasis upon Eliezer’s position in Avraham’s household.  Certainly it was a high status position, considering Avraham’s great wealth.  Horav M.D. Soloveitchik, Shlita, comments  that  Avraham Avinu placed incredible trust in Eliezer, appointing him to direct and control all of his material assets. When it involved spiritual pursuits, however, he exacted an oath from him.  He did not simply rely upon his proven integrity and devotion.  He sought a promise that would bind him to his word.  Marriage was a spiritual endeavor for Yitzchak.  He and the woman  he would marry were to become  the progenitors of…

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And Avraham was old, well on in years. (24:1)

The Midrash distinguishes between ziknah, old age, and ba ba’yamim, getting on in years.  They maintain that some  people  attain ziknah, but do not have their “days.”  Others  have their yamim, days, but do not have their old age.  Avraham Avinu had both; he was well-on in years,  and he also achieved ziknah.  What is the meaning of this Midrash?  How does it apply to Avraham?  Horav Mordechai Rogov, zl, explains that ziknah is a reference to the past, to what one learned as a youth, to the Torah and yiraas Shomayim, fear of Heaven, which he has attained.  Yamim…

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And Avraham came to eulogize Sarah and to bewail her. (23:3)

  Rashi cites Chazal, who teach us that the narratives of Sarah’s death and the Akeidah follow one another in order to demonstrate  that Sarah died as a direct result of the Akeidah.  The Satan told Sarah that Avraham had slaughtered Yitzchak.  When she heard this shocking news, she cried out in grief and died.  The commentators offer various explanations for this Chazal.  Interestingly, Rashi mentions this juxtaposition – in regard to the pasuk detailing Avraham’s reaction to Sarah’s death, his eulogy and mourning.  He does not mention this Chazal at the onset of the parsha, which begins with Sarah’s…

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This is the book (account) of the descendants of Adam. (5:1)

The Torah enumerates the generations that descended from Adam Ha’Rishon.   In his inimitable manner, Horav Moshe Swift, zl, suggests a homiletic interpretation of this pasuk.  “The book of life is the generations of man.”  There are all kinds of books. Some are worth reading, while others  are nothing more than trash.  Some books teach valuable lessons with profound meaning, while other books leave no lasting impression.  We are pages in the book of life written by our parents.  They are the cover, the binding that holds the pages together.  We write the pages based upon the way that we act…

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Hashem turned to Hevel and to his offering…But to Kayin and to his offering He did not turn…This annoyed Kayin exceedingly…And Hashem said to Kayin, “Why are you annoyed?” (4:4,5,6)

Hashem is questioning Kayin about the source of his depression.  Does not the Torah, however, in the preceding pasuk clearly state the reason for Kayin’s annoyance: Hashem’s rejection of his offerings.  Is that not enough reason for one to be despondent?  Horav Chaim Brisker, zl, gives a practical explanation to the query.  Hashem asked Kayin, “Why are you really upset? Is it because your korban,offering, was not accepted, or is there a deeper reason, the fact that your brother’s korban was accepted?”  Quite possibly Kayin’s dejection was not due to his own rejection by the Almighty.  Perhaps the real problem…

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Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife. (2:24)

Is this really the way it is supposed to be?  For what purpose do parents spend their lives raising children, enduring hardship, frustration, and at times, pain? When their son grows up, should he reject them in order to cling to his wife?  This cannot be the Torah’s intention.  Radak says that the pasuk only implies a physical separation.  His attachment to his wife requires him to move out of his home of origin in order to establish a new home with her.  This writer once heard an explanation for this pasuk that sets the tone for marriage.  While one…

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And Hashem made the two great luminaries, the greater luminary to dominate the day and the lesser luminary to dominate the night. (1:16)

Chazal tell us that originally the sun and moon had been  the same size.  The moon complained, asking, “How can two kings rule simultaneously?”  In other words, the moon felt that one of the luminaries should be diminshed in size.  Hashem, thereupon, told the moon to diminish itself so that the sun would be the dominant luminary.  Chazal characterize the moon’s remark as  inappropriate.  The moon receives its light from the sun.  Thus, the sun is the mashpiah, source of light, and the moon is the mekabel, reflecting the light it receives from the sun.  This was unacceptable to the…

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Hashem saw that the light was good, and Hashem separated between the light and the darkness. (1:4)

If the light was so “good” and the darkness less positive, why did Hashem merely separate them?  Why did Hashem not banish darkness to some abyss, permitting “light” to shine all day?  Why do they have equal time?  Horav Yosef Chaim M’Bagdad, zl, explains that darkness increases our appreciation of light.  He recounts an incident involving  the Baal Haflaah,  who was in need of a minyan at his home.  After he was able to gather ten men, he realized that one of them was not  desirable for a minyan.  Thus, he sought another person.  The individual in question  was no…

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