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והיה כצאת משה אל האהל יקומו כל העם ונצבו איש פתח אהלו והביטו אחרי משה עד באו האהלה

Whenever Moshe would go out to the Ohel, the entire people would stand up and remain standing, everyone at the entrance of his tent, and they would gaze after Moshe until he arrived at the tent. (33:8)

Chazal (Midrash Tanchuma) derive from here the reverence one must accord to a Torah scholar. “One must stand in the presence of an elderly Jew, a Torah scholar, an Av Bais Din, Head of the Rabbinical court, and a king.” Moshe Rabbeinu was the nation’s quintessential leader; it would make sense that he be demonstrated such respect due to his position as leader – no different than a distinguished political leader, king, etc. Chazal do not say this explicitly. The fact that they mandate kavod talmid chacham, the respect one must show to a Torah scholar, indicates that Moshe Rabbeinu…

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ועתה אם תשא חטאתם ואם אין מחני נא מספרך אשר כתבת

And now if You would but forgive their sin! – but, if not, erase me from this book that You have written. (32:32)

Herein lies the test of the true Torah leader. What are his priorities? Is it now about himself, or is it about his flock? Moshe Rabbeinu’s first priority was to save his nation. The Almighty had threatened to put an end to this nation that seemed to keep on testing Him. Moshe first had to save them. Then he would see to it that they regain their status as the Chosen People. Once again, it is important to underscore that it was not the entire nation that had sinned. It was a group of mixed multitude who had come along…

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סרו מהר מן הדרך אשר צויתם עשו להם עגל מסכה

They have strayed quickly from the way that I have commanded them; they have made themselves a molten calf. (32:8)

Six weeks after the seminal event in Jewish history – the Giving of the Torah – the nation demonstrated that all was not “good.” Thirty three hundred years later, we still experience the ramifications of chet ha’eigel, sin of the Golden Calf. Indeed, Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu, U’byom pakdi u’pakedeti aleihem chatasam, “And on the day that I make an accounting, I shall bring their sin to account against them” (Shemos 32:34). Rashi quotes the Talmud Sanhedrin 102a, where Chazal explain this pasuk: “There is no punishment that comes upon Yisrael which does not have in it some retribution for…

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ושמרתם את השבת כי קדש היא לכם

You shall observe the Shabbos, for it is holy to you. (31:14)

Shabbos is to the Jew much more than a mitzvah imperative. Shabbos is a holy day, consecrated from the beginning of time by the Almighty Himself. This is an idea which we often do not consider. If Hashem made this day holy, what right do we mortals have to desecrate it? People tend to offer two common excuses/answers to this question. First, “I do not care.” This is the response of the individual who disregards the Torah. It has no bearing on his life. Such a person simply does not fit into the equation. He has written himself off from…

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לא יבוא עמוני ומואבי בקהל ד' על דבר אשר לא קדמו אתכם בלחם וביין... ואשר שכר עליך בלעם... לקללך

Neither an Amoni or Moavi may enter the congregation of Hashem… because they did not greet you with bread and water… and because he hired Bilaam… to curse you. (23:4,5)

The Amonite and Moavite nations are forever barred from marrying a Jewish woman – regardless of the sincerity and irreproachable nature of his conversion. Why? The Torah gives two reasons for this discrimination: they did not greet our ancestors with bread and water during their difficult journey through the wilderness; they hired Bilaam to curse the Jews. These reasons beg elucidation. If it is due to their lack of chesed, kindness, what qualifies other nations for acceptance as converts? Have we not suffered at their hands throughout the millennia? Furthermore, what connection is there between their lack of kindness and…

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והיה עמך עד דרש אחיך אתו והשבתו לו וכן תעשה לשמלתו

And it shall remain with you until your brother inquires after it… so shall you do for his garment. (22:2,3)

The Talmud Bava Metzia 27a, derives from the singling out of simlah, garment, that just as a garment is distinguished in the sense that it has identifying marks and it has claimants, likewise, anything else that has simanim, identifying marks, and has claimants must be announced. This is the source of the derivation that yiush— an object which either has no siman or is lost in a city which has a majority of non-Jewish residents— may be kept by its finder. In both cases, the owner, realizing that his chances of retrieving his possession are slim to nil, will be…

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כי יהיה לאיש בן סורר ומורה... ותפסו בו אביו ואמו... ואמרו בננו זה בן סורר ומורה

If a man will have a wayward and rebellious son… and is father and mother shall take hold of him…and they shall say… “This son is wayward and rebellious.” (21:18, 20)

We all know the story. A rebellious child is brought to the court. His parents are at their wits’ end. They have tried everything – from discipline, to love, to coercion and reward. They have gone to professionals, tried every technique – all to no avail. Their son refuses to change. He displays an attitude for which apparently there is no cure. He is brought to bais din, court, where the ultimate punishment is carried out: Yamus zakai v’al yamus chayov, “Let him die while he is still innocent, rather than having to execute him once he has committed an…

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לא יבוא עמוני ומואבי בקהל ד' על דבר אשר לא קדמו אתכם בלחם וביין... ואשר שכר עליך בלעם... לקללך

Neither an Amoni or Moavi may enter the congregation of Hashem… because they did not greet you with bread and water… and because he hired Bilaam… to curse you. (23:4,5)

The Amonite and Moavite nations are forever barred from marrying a Jewish woman – regardless of the sincerity and irreproachable nature of his conversion. Why? The Torah gives two reasons for this discrimination: they did not greet our ancestors with bread and water during their difficult journey through the wilderness; they hired Bilaam to curse the Jews. These reasons beg elucidation. If it is due to their lack of chesed, kindness, what qualifies other nations for acceptance as converts? Have we not suffered at their hands throughout the millennia? Furthermore, what connection is there between their lack of kindness and…

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והיה עמך עד דרש אחיך אתו והשבתו לו וכן תעשה לשמלתו

And it shall remain with you until your brother inquires after it… so shall you do for his garment. (22:2,3)

The Talmud Bava Metzia 27a, derives from the singling out of simlah, garment, that just as a garment is distinguished in the sense that it has identifying marks and it has claimants, likewise, anything else that has simanim, identifying marks, and has claimants must be announced. This is the source of the derivation that yiush— an object which either has no siman or is lost in a city which has a majority of non-Jewish residents— may be kept by its finder. In both cases, the owner, realizing that his chances of retrieving his possession are slim to nil, will be…

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כי יהיה לאיש בן סורר ומורה... ותפסו בו אביו ואמו... ואמרו בננו זה בן סורר ומורה

If a man will have a wayward and rebellious son… and is father and mother shall take hold of him…and they shall say… “This son is wayward and rebellious.” (21:18, 20)

We all know the story. A rebellious child is brought to the court. His parents are at their wits’ end. They have tried everything – from discipline, to love, to coercion and reward. They have gone to professionals, tried every technique – all to no avail. Their son refuses to change. He displays an attitude for which apparently there is no cure. He is brought to bais din, court, where the ultimate punishment is carried out: Yamus zakai v’al yamus chayov, “Let him die while he is still innocent, rather than having to execute him once he has committed an…

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