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“And you shall slaughter the ram and take its blood and put it upon the tip of Aharon’s ear… and upon the thumb of their right hand and upon the big toe of their right foot.” (29:20)

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The commentators observe that every Kohen and Torah leader must be prepared to minister to the needs of every individual Jew. The “ear” must be sensitive, prepared to listen and empathize with the plight of another Jew. It must have the capacity to discern and acknowledge the cries of the afflicted. The “hand” is not there only to take — to accept gifts, regardless of their nature and the intent of the benefactor. The hand must also accustom itself to give — to assist whenever and wherever it may be needed. The “foot” represents the leader’s willingness to go any distance immediately to ease the plight of a fellow Jew. No place is too far or too dangerous when another Jew is suffering. His needs must be addressed, his fears allayed.  This is the essence of a gadol b’Yisrael.

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