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“Remember what Amalek did to you.” (25:17)

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How does one fulfill the imperative to remember Amalek’s treachery towards our ancestors? The mitzvah to blot out Amalek’s name is hardly applicable in contemporary times, while Am Yisrael is in galus, exile —  even if we were able to identify clearly a member of this contemptible nation. Horav Moshe Feinstein z.l. infers a profound lesson to be derived from this pasuk. Amalek’s dastardly act demonstrated that man can be aware of Hashem’s infinite greatness and unlimited power and still descend to the nadir of depravity. Indeed, Chazal compare Amalek to one who jumps into a tub of scalding water, flaunting complete disregard for the apparent consequences of this foolish act!

Likewise, we must be cogently aware that there is literally no sin that is beyond man’s “grasp”. One must take care to protect himself from falling into the clutches of the yetzer hora, which can encourage him to perform the most repulsive acts. This is the mitzvah of “remembering what Amalek did to you.” This mitzvah implores us to imbue in ourselves, to the point that it becomes part of our psyche, a recognition of Amalek’s act, its meaning and message. Consequently, we will develop an intense hatred for him. To forget what Amalek did is to justify his act!

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