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“Is corruption His, no; His children’s is the blemish… Is it to Hashem that you do this… Is He not your father your master?” (32:5,6)

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The commentators explain the text of the pasuk in the following manner. Although an individual may defer to his own spiritual shortcomings, he, nonetheless, desires that his children proceed in the proper path.  Regrettably, the concept of “do as I say, not as I do” has almost become a way of life for some people. Parents must be aware that they serve as the primary role models for their children.  When these parents are questioned regarding their hypocritical behavior, their response is, “We personally have no proclivity to be observant, but we want our children to be G- d fearing and observant.”

This pasuk responds to these insincere parents. The fact that he corrupts his own way of life, this means nothing to him. His personal persuasion is of no concern to him. His children’ blemish are his only consideration. He is bothered by his children’s apparent lack of observance. Indeed, he sees that they are beginning to digress even beyond his own iniquitous behavior!

Hashem responds to this short-sighted and irresponsible parent, Look at your foolishness. As you want your children to follow in the proper path, so, too, does Hashem, your Father in Heaven want you, His child to behave and act in the correct manner. If you do not respond positively to your Father, how do you expect your children to respond appropriately to you?

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