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And He placed at the east of Gan Eden the Keruvim and the flaming sword which turned every way. (3:24)

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Rashi translates the keruvim in the pasuk above as “angels of destruction.” This definition contrasts with Rashi’s interpretation in Parashas Terumah of the keruvim which were above the Aron Ha’Kodesh. There Rashi describes keruvim as having the sweet angelic faces of children. Rabbi M.M. Epstein z.t.l.  suggests an educational lesson to be derived from Rashi. The future of a young child is dependent upon his education. If he is brought to the Ohel Moed, to the Bais Ha’Mikdash, to study Torah, then he has the opportunity to reach the zenith of spirituality. He can “hover’ over the Aron Ha’Kodesh, as the keruvim did. If children are not availed this opportunity, if they are distanced from Torah study, then the potential for evil is apparent.  The sweet young children can turn into “angels of destruction.” Nothing can mold a child’s character as strongly as Torah study.

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