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תקע בשופר גדול לחרותנו

– Teka b’Shofar gadol l’cheiruseiu. Sound the great Shofar for our Freedom.

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Horav Levi Yitzchak, zl, m’Berditchev, was known as Klal Yisrael’s advocate, their defender who viewed everything through a positive lens. One Rosh Hashanah, following his derashah, lecture, preceding Tekias Shofar, he turned around, his back to the congregation, his face facing the Aron HaKodesh – and he began to cry bitterly. The congregation obviously waited patiently for their Rav – despite his incessant weeping, which seemed to go on and on. No one could think of a reason why specifically now, of all times, he was crying so passionately.

Suddenly, he stopped crying and spoke softly to Hashem, like a son speaking to his father, “Ribono Shel Olam, You commanded us in Your Torah to blow Shofar on Rosh Hashanah. According to Halachah, we are able to fulfill the mitzvah with merely nine tekios, blasts. Yet, we blow 101 blasts. This is all because of one single mitzvah which You gave us. Furthermore, we are not the only ones doing this. Every congregation, in every city in the world, under all conditions, each and every year – year in and year out – has been doing this for thousands of years. Millions of tekios have been blown – all in Your honor, to glorify You. All that we ask of You is one single tekia, one solitary blast, that will herald our Redemption. Teka b’Shofar gadol l’cheiruseinu!” The Rebbe concluded his supplication and once again burst into bitter weeping. What an incredible story to think about when we recite the tenth blessing of the Shemoneh Esrai.

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