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ברך עלינו... את השנה הזאת

Bareich aleinu… es ha’shanah ha’zos. Bless upon us… this year.

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We begin the prayer for sustenance with the acknowledgement that everything – every penny – comes from Hashem. Indeed, one who does not acknowledge Hashem’s complete control over his livelihood takes the chance, when things do not go his way, of engaging in illicit behaviors, even acts of perjury and theft. One who trusts in Hashem knows that he will earn whatever Hashem wants him to earn: no more; no less. Now, when we begin our day with the realization that all of our blessings are Heaven-sent, and that what we will earn is specifically the product of Hashem’s decree, one will not endanger this blessing by doing anything inappropriate or dishonest. He will do everything possible to see these blessings channeled to him in the most appropriate manner. If Hashem provides, then not working on Shabbos is a no-brainer. Why would one desecrate Hashem’s gift to him, if he knows that his sustenance is decided by Hashem? Therefore, honesty, integrity, proper dealings in business, all boil down to one thing: Does one believe in Hashem?

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