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“Every man and woman whose heart motivated them to bring… the Bnei Yisrael brought a free-willed offering to Hashem.” (35:29)

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This pasuk seems ambiguous. It begins by stating that every man and woman contributed toward the Mishkan and ends by saying that all Bnei Yisrael contributed. Why is there a change in the text? Does the Torah seek to convey a secret message? Horav Gavriel Ze’ev Margolis, zl, suggests that the Torah implies a fundamental lesson for parents. If we want our children to grow up as committed Jews, we must train them as such. Being an observant Jew is no different than any other endeavor – it takes training. What better time to educate a person than when he is young? Shlomo Ha’Melech states in Mishlei 22:6, “Educate a child according to his way, so that when he grows old he will not turn away from it.” To infuse a child in the mitzvah of tzeddakah, a parent should model the mitzvah and require him to participate actively in the mitzvah.

Bnei Yisrael did not come alone with their contributions. They sent their children to bring the money to Moshe. They realized that only through such training will their children continue along the same path.

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