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“And his brothers were jealous of him.” (37:1)

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Meilitz Yosher infers a striking lesson from this pasuk. One can have an abundance of “heteirim,” reasons for eating a certain food that is not kosher. He can find a number of reasons to justify his actions. Yet, when all is said and done, his action is simply not justifiable. This is similar to the lazy person who comes up with a multitude of excuses for not participating in a given endeavor. Indeed, all of the stated reasons may be true, but – the main reason that he is not involved in this endeavor is his indolence!

The Torah tells us that in the final analysis, the brothers were nothing more than jealous. They had rendered a halachic decision; they had discussed every reason pro and con for finding clemency for Yosef; but in the end, they were simply jealous. The Torah‘s insight pierces through the facade that veils the real reason for selling Yosef – jealousy! A person can shout that he is acting l’shem Shomayim, for the sake of Heaven, but in reality he is responding to his own misguided passion. He may claim that he is zealous but — in reality — he is nothing more than jealous!

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