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Let them place My name upon Bnei Yisrael, and I shall bless them. (6:27)

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Chazal, at the end of  Meseches  Uktzin, say,  “There is no greater container to hold Klal Yisrael’s blessings than peace.”  One may have everything – health, prosperity, and fame – but without peace these gifts have  no significance.  Consequently, the blessings which the Kohanim are to impart upon Bnei Yisrael are sealed with the hope for peace.

A community can catalyze peace  in one of two ways.  The first way is the positive approach, in which  people work towards ironing out their differences,  seeking ways to increase harmony and good will.  Discord is viewed as taboo, so the slightest infraction into the amity of a community is immediately quelled.  Another path,  one that is regrettably negative, quite often serves as a vehicle to induce  unity.  Within a community, when we do not take the  initiative to engender peace and cooperation, Hashem causes us to become unified in the face of persecution. Then we band together, regardless of our personal beliefs, to face the challenge to our nation – collectively.  Each group offers advice, each one seeks solace from the other, as we face our common enemy – together.  Who creates this peace?  It is Hashem Who must intervene into our discord and bring us together using a destructive medium. How fortunate would we have been had we maintained harmony among ourselves.  Instead, we require  the tzaros, persecutions, to bring us closer to one to another.

Horav Mordechai Rogov, zl, comments  the Kohanim, the spiritual mentors of Klal Yisrael,  have the responsibility to  influence the people, to sensitize them to the compelling importance of shalom.  They must see to it that harmony and peace reign within Klal Yisrael, lest it become necessary to effect this peace via “outside” sources.

This is the pasuk’s message: “Let them place My Name among Bnei Yisrael”  Hashem’s Name is Shalom, for He is the essence of peace.  Let the Kohanim see to it that My Name, peace, reigns among the Jews while they are in a circumstance of “blessing ” and good fortune.  If the Kohanim inspire the people, then peace and harmony will emanate from within.

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