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“Did I conceive this entire people or did I give birth to it… where shall I get meat to give this entire people when they weep to me?” (11:12,13)

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Moshe Rabbeinu seems to imply that had he conceived and given birth to the people, the question of “where shall I get meat to give the entire people,” would not be pressing. Parents are resourceful when it comes to serving their children’s needs. The amount of adrenaline which a parent has for his child is amazing! No mountain is too tall to climb, no task too difficult to perform – nothing is impossible for a parent in regard to his child. That is the way it should be. Baalei Mussar attribute this remarkable “ability” to the inherent love that Hashem has infused into every parent in regard to his child. What seems difficult for the average person is natural for a parent. What seems to be almost an impossibility for the average person is a hurdle that can and must be overcome by a parent.

We may suggest that this same relationship should reign between a rebbe and his talmid. The student-teacher bond should pattern itself after the parent-child relationship. The teacher is a vrun, which is derived from vrv, “to conceive.” A rebbe must feel that nothing is too difficult for him to overcome in order to imbue his talmid with Toras Hashem. What might turn a lesser person away is a source of love for a parent and, similarly, for a rebbe.

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