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“And you do not turn away… right or left to follow gods of others and to worship them.” (28:14)

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There seems to be an inconsistency in the Torah‘s text. The pasuk begins by admonishing us not to turn away from Hashem ever so slightly to the right or to the left. Immediately following this statement, the Torah concludes its admonition by saying “to follow gods of others.” To whom are we referring? All that these individuals did was to turn “aside” briefly and indulge themselves. Is this considered full-blown idol-worship?

Sforno interprets “to follow gods of others” as being a reference to one who performs mitzvos by rote, out of habit, or as a response to peer pressure. He worships Hashem and performs mitzvos because that is what his father did. He has no feelings of his own, either because he does not care or because he simply does not know. Complacency in mitzvah observance, claims Sforno, is tantamount to rebellion against Hashem. It only takes one small slight turn in either direction, one bit of insensitivity towards the manner in which we serve Hashem, to create the perception of idol-worship!

To serve Hashem is to have conviction and demonstrate commitment at all times. To obey when it is convenient, to observe when it is in vogue, is not the manner in which we serve Hashem. Avodas Hashem is an endeavor that should be carried out with enthusiasm and excitement as befits the Melech Malchei Ha’melachim.

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