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“And Avraham came to eulogize Sarah and to bewail her.” (23:2)

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The Midrash says that Avraham came directly from Har Ha’Moriah, the scene of the Akeidah. What is the significance of Avraham’s point of origin? Does it make any difference to us from where he came? The commentators respond with various explanations. Horav Aharon Levin, zl, suggests that “Har Ha’moriah” served as the text for Avraham’s eulogy. Throughout her life, Sarah Imeinu excelled in spiritual realms. She was righteous and G-d fearing, kind and noble. She attained a level of prophecy that surpassed even that of Avraham. Yet, all of these attributes do not necessarily dignify Sarah’s essential function in life – to develop and execute her maternal obligation to its ultimate perfection. Is a woman praiseworthy if she devotes her life to performing acts of kindness, if she sits and recites Tehillim all day – at the expense of her children’s education? Sarah perfected every area of spirituality and still raised her son to attain a superior spiritual level. This was demonstrated by the scene at “Har Ha’Moriah,” where Avraham prepared her “ben yachid” to be sacrificed to Hashem.

Every woman is obligated to imbue her children with the proper moral characteristics and spiritual values. As a child matures, the mother’s handiwork becomes apparent – one way or another! From the time of Yitzchak’s birth, Sarah looked to the future to educate her son to spiritual perfection, to prepare him for a life of service to Hashem, to be the next Patriarch.

She clearly succeeded in her life’s endeavor, as the “finished product” was eager and prepared to submit himself upon the altar at his father’s behest . This was the greatest compliment to a woman whose life was completely devoted to serving Hashem. She worked side by side with her husband in order to purge the world of paganism and to infuse it with belief in Hashem. Yet, when Avraham Avinu came to give the hesped, eulogy, for this noble and lofty soul, to offer the praises of the woman with whom he had shared so much of his life, he focused on the area which Hashem destined should be the principal focus of the Jewish woman. Avraham spoke about the efficacy of Sarah’s educational training. He recalled the events at Har Ha’Moriah where everything that she transmitted to her son was tested – successfully!

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