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All of you approached me and said, “Let us send men ahead of us and let them spy out the land. (1:22)

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Chazal claim that the key to their error lies in the word “kulchem” – all of you.  All of Klal Yisrael came together in total disarray, with disrespect for their elders, each one pushing ahead of the other.  This approach contrasted the situation at Kabbolas HaTorah, when everyone maintained proper decorum as they prepared to accept the Torah.  The Netziv, zl, contends that “all of you” is not factual.  Certainly, not everyone came forward.  Only the leaders of the tribes, the noblemen who represented the masses  came forward, requesting that spies go to search out the land. Horav Elyakim Schlessinger, Shlita, comments that this in itself constituted a tragic error.  Leaders do not follow the common citizen.  They listen; they dialogue; they explain. They certainly do not “follow” blindly, acquiescing to the demands of those who should look to them for guidance.  When the leadership of Klal Yisrael came before Moshe demanding spies, because that was what the people wanted, they were demeaning the very foundation of Jewish leadership.  Daas Torah demands that the gedolim, leaders, lead and articulate Klal Yisrael’s mission  – not the converse.  Moshe reprimanded the people, saying that the initial manner in which they came to him indicated their sinful intentions.

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