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“I shall remember My covenant with Yaakov, and also My covenant with Avrohom and also My covenant with Yitzchok I shall remember.” (26:42)

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The placement of this pasuk in the midst of the narrative seems to deviate from the focus of the text. The Torah enumerates the frightening curses that are to befall the Jewish people in response to their abandonment of the Torah. The interjection of Hashem’s benevolent remembering of our ancestors interrupts the theme of severe judgment. There are various ways to approach this problem.


The Shellah views the reminiscence of the ancestors as a condemnation of the Jewish people. Before one is punished, his past must be weighed. Is there a pathology in the family that led to this criminal’s delinquency, or did he have a stable upbringing, such that his evil resulted purely from his own actions? The punishment is meted out in consonance with the criminal’s personal culpability. The Jewish people are castigated not only for their sins, but also for the betrayal of their noble origins. In contrast to the backdrop of such refined ancestry, their sins are greatly magnified. Thus, they deserve harsher punishment.


The name of Yaakov is noticeably written in its full form with a “vav”. Rashi comments that this form appears five times, corresponding to the five times the name (u)vhkt appears without the vav as its final letter. This signifies that Yaakov withheld one letter of Eliyohu’s name to serve as a “security” to insure that he would be the one to herald the redemption of his children. The Zohar explains the significance of the numerical value of the letter vav. The numerical value of the letter vav is six. This signifies that Eliyohu Hanavi will appear in the sixth millennium.


Horav Dovid Feinstein Shlita explains the significance of the letter “vav,” which in Hebrew means a connecting hook. The curtains of the Mishkan were attached to the poles by connecting hooks, called vovim. In regard to the Jewish people, the vav symbolizes unity. The present exile was caused by strife and discord, and it will end after our people have become united and live in harmony with one other. This is a major role to be played by Eliyohu Hanavi before Klal Yisrael can hope to be delivered from exile.

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