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“And Korach, the son of Yitzar, the son of Kehas, took.” (16:1)

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Korach was truly blessed. In fact, he possessed all those characteristics which should have destined him to be a great leader of Klal Yisrael. He was astute and erudite in Torah knowledge. He descended from a distinguished lineage. Why then did he so tragically fail? Horav Simcha Bunim of Pshischa, cites Korach’s inability to wait for the crown of leadership to be conferred upon him as the reason for his downfall. As the Torah clearly states “and Korach took” , he attempted to assume leadership by force. The mantle of leadership over the Jewish people is one that is earned and Divinely delegated at the appropriate time. One does not manipulate entry to this sphere of power. It indicates a distinct lack of faith in Hashem’s power, for an individual to try to alter Hashem’s direction of the course of events. Spiritual leaders of Klal Yisrael are Divinely anointed at the proper time by He who is the source of all leadership.

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