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אל תירא אברם אנכי מגן לך שכרך הרבה מאד

Fear not Avram, I am a shield for you; your reward is very great. (15:1)

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Hashem promises those who fulfill His mitzvos that they will be rewarded commensurate with their good deeds. We understand, of course, the rule of schar b’hai alma leka, “reward does not apply to This World.” The ultimate reward that one will receive will materialize in the World of Truth, Olam Habba. The Ben Ish Chai questions this rule. We are all aware of the Torah’s injunction that a Jewish worker be paid on the day that he completes his work. B’yomo titein scharo, if one is hired for day work, he must be reimbursed for his work at the end of the day – not the next day – but that day. One’s wages may not be delayed – not even overnight. Why then does Hashem not reimburse us immediately for our mitzvah observance?

The Ben Ish Chai explains that the answer is concealed within a halachah in Choshen Mishpat. One who hires workers through an agent does not have to pay them at the end of the day. The mitzvah of b’yomo titein s’charo is in effect only if the worker is hired by the owner. A shliach, agent, does not carry such weight. Therefore, since Klal Yisrael accepted the Torah through the agency of Moshe Rabbeinu, the prohibition against delaying a Jewish worker’s payment does not apply.

An added caveat involves the first two mitzvos of the Aseres HaDibros, Ten Commandments, which Klal Yisrael heard directly from Hashem. Concerning these two mitzvos, the s’char, reward, is immediate. These mitzvos are: Anochi – referring to emunah, belief/faith in the Almighty; and Lo yiheyeh lecha, idolatry. Thus, one who believes in Hashem and shuns any form of foreign belief is worthy of receiving his reward in Olam Hazeh, This World. This, claims the Ben Ish Chai, is alluded to by the pasuk, Al tirah Avram, “Do not fear, Avram.” Hashem assured Avraham that he need not worry concerning his descendant’s reward, because Anochi magen lach, “The Anochi” will serve as a shield to protect you. This refers to the Anochi of Anochi Hashem, the mitzvah of emunah. A Jew who is faithful, who believes in Hashem with all his heart, will merit great reward – in This World.

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