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“And they shall make an Aron of shittim wood.” (25:10)

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Bnei Yisrael were enjoined to build the Aron Hakodesh prior to the Mishkan itself. Why was this? Horav M. Gifter, Shlita. suggests the following reason for this. The Aron, which held the Torah, represents the Torah as the foundation of our people. Because we have the Torah, Hashem chooses to rest the Divine Presence in our midst. Consequently, we must orient our priorities in accordance with the Torah.

Horav Gifter notes that the Aron was built even prior to the Mizbayach, Altar. The Mizbayach denotes sacrifice and its derivative, mesiras nefesh, self-sacrifice for Hashem and His mitzvos. He explains that only through Torah can the parameters of mesiras nefesh be clearly defined. The clarity of vision which evolves from total Torah study and scholarship structures one’s perspective concerning self- sacrifice. Without Torah’s guidance, intelligence and reason give way to the irrational and absurd. Thus, self-sacrifice can become an act of murder and destruction.

This idea may be extended to all areas of endeavor. The Torah perspective must guide all of activity, even concerning mitzvos which are “humanitarian” in nature. Horav Chaim Mordechai Katz, z.l., used to explain the Mishnah in Peah, which crowns Torah study above all mitzvos, including wonderful acts of lovingkindness. The Mishnah enumerates many noble mitzvos, such as honoring parents, doing acts of kindness, coming to the Bais Hamedrash on time, and visiting the sick. It ends with the phrase okuf sdbf vru, sunk,u “and Torah study is “equal” to all.” The word sdbf, actually is translated as “opposite” rather than equal.

In light of this, Horav Katz explains that every mitzvah must be “held up” opposite and performed in light of the Torah. Torah must mold the personality and total perspective of a Jew. His philosophy of life must coincide with the Torah’s philosophy of life! Only then does he satisfy the mandate of okuf sdbf vru, sunk,u.

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