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And they said, come let us build a city for ourselves and a tower whose top will be in the heavens, and we will make a name for ourselves. (11:4)

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is revealed the true essence and attitude of the tower builders. When one becomes aware of one’s ego can it lead to two contrasting reactions: humility or pride. When one becomes obsessed with his paltriness, he may be stimulated to turn his efforts towards serving humanity, or he can rebel against an inexorable destiny, to break out of his physical limitations by revolting against Hashem. The people of Bavel chose pride. They were overwhelmed with an obsessive ego, therefore they refused to admit that an individual’s worth is measured solely by his contribution to society. Their tower, which was useless, was nothing more than a grotesque concretization of an overwhelming ego which foolishly believed it could wipe out the external boundaries between man and Hashem. Hashem’s response was, of course, to scatter this people all over the earth, erect impassable barriers of language and way of speech, making it impossible to ever again arise in rebellion against Him. Men, now separated and disunited and obliged to depend on their individual resources, would once again have to seek ways and means to utilize their human genius for the good of humanity.

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