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“And Moshe replied, we will go with our young and old alike.” (10:9)

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Why does Moshe mention the young before the old? Should not the elders go before the young? The Kesav Sofer responds that the young had to be rescued as soon as possible. Since they lacked a proper spiritual upbringing, they were more susceptible than their elders to the Egyptian environment. Only after the youth had left, did the older generation, who still maintained some roots in Judaism, and were more likely to survive spiritually in Egypt, leave.

The Koznitzer Magid Zt”l applies a homiletical exposition to this posuk. As we go in our youth, we will ultimately go in our old age. If during our youth we strive to spiritually ascend to reach the proper level of what Hashem expects of us, then as we get older there will be ultimate blessing in our old age. This may be compared to wine, whose vintage is good, gets better as it ages, while wine which has an inferior vintage turns sour with age.

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