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“And it was, because the midwives feared Hashem, that He made for them houses.” (2:21)

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  Rashi quotes the Chazal: One says houses of priesthood and of the Levites. This refers to Aharon and Moshe. And the other says houses of royalty, since Dovid Hamelech descended from Miriam. (Sota 11b)

Undoubtedly the reward of houses of priesthood and royalty is very great, but why doesn’t the Talmud mention houses of Torah? Did not Moshe and Betzalel, who epitomized the exemplary study of Torah, descend from the midwives? In Tehilim 115, it is stated: “The House of Yisroel shall bless Hashem, the House of Aharon (priesthood) shall bless Hashem, the House of Levi shall bless Hashem, those that fear Hashem shall bless Hashem.” Aharon, Yisroel and Levi are referred to as a “,hc” while in reference to “Yirei Hashemthere is no mention of a house. Why?

“,hc” – A house represents that which is eternal and is passed from generation to generation by way of inheritance. This applies to the concepts of priesthood, royalty, and Levites. In reference to Torah and fear of Hashem, it is stated in Pirkei Avos: “And prepare yourself to study Torah because it is not yours by inheritance” (2:17). Torah can only be acquired through the constant application of oneself to its study and contemplation. It is not inherited from a Torah scholar. Only those who strive for scholarship can carry the mantle of a Torah scholar. Ancestry does not play a role in Torah development, and therefore is not mentioned here with regard to Hashem‘s gifts to the midwives.

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