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“And it came to pass at that time and Yehudah went down from his brothers.” (38:1)

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Rashi  comments: This is to teach us that his brothers lowered him from his exalted rank,  when they saw  their father’s grief.  They said “You said to sell him. Had you said to return him, we would have listened to you.”

Sforno comments in  even stronger  terms by  claiming that  the tragic loss  of  Yehuda’s  two  sons  was  a punishment for not insisting that Yosef be saved. The  accusation  being  leveled  at Yehudah  and  the resulting punishments seem overly severe. Surely had Yehudah felt  that his brothers would accept his words, he would have asserted himself and demanded  that Yosef  be returned  home. Leadership  requires enormous responsibility. A leader must express his feelings whether they are popular or not, not simply to support what is popular, but to make what is unpopular popular. One should  not concern  himself with  the success  or failure  of his  statements, but rather state that which is true and just.

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