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“And I have broken the bars of your yoke and made you go upright.” (26:13)

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Rashi cites the Midrash which explains this blessing with two words, with vpuez vnuecw “erect stature.” Horav M. Shternbuch, Shlita, expounds on this concept. There are individuals who, although they are observant, tend to deny their compliance with Hashem’s mitzvos. Consequently, they mask their mitzvah performance and attempt to conceal their allegiance to the Torah. These individuals disguise authentic observance with artificial excuses. They are moral cowards who lack the courage of their convictions, demonstrating a lack of pride in their heritage. They are fearful that, due to their commitment to Judaism, they will be viewed as different. This perception might taint their social status. The Torah teaches us that mitzvos must be performed with dedication. When Klal Yisrael discharges mitzvos properly, they will merit a sense of worth to stand dignified, exalted in transmitting the banner of Torah.

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