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“And Bilam rose up in the morning and saddled his donkey.” (22:21)

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  Rashi says, Hashem said to Bilam – “wicked one, their father Avrohom has already preceded you.” This refers to Avraham’s rising early and personally saddling the donkey in preparation for Akeidas Yitzchok.

It is necessary to explain the relationship between Bilaam’s act and Avraham’s act, and the significance of Avrohom having preceded Bilam. We learn from here that Hashem demands of us to exert at least the same effort in performing His Will, as the wicked exert in opposing His Will. Bilam specifically rose early in the morning and personally saddled his donkey to show his supreme devotion to the task at hand and thereby direct an indictment at the Jews for not exerting such devotion in pursuance of mitzvos. Hashem immediately responded by noting Avraham’s alacrity and enthusiasm in performing Hashem’s Will.

We should learn from here to expend our energies for Torah observance no less than our energy spent in pursuing our daily activities and livelihood. When we pursue our daily endeavors energetically, with zeal and enthusiasm, while we are indolent and unexcited regarding our spiritual observances, Hashem points an accusing finger at us. We should demand of ourselves consistency throughout all our daily endeavors.

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