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אם על תודה יקריבנו

If he shall offer it for a Thanksgiving offering. (7:12)

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The Midrash says that, in the future (with the advent of Moshiach Tzidkeinu), all korbanos, sacrifices, will become null; there will no longer be korbanos. The Korban Todah, Thanksgiving offering, however, will continue in full force. Likewise, all prayers will become bateil, null, but prayers of todah, gratitude, will continue unabated. Chazal do not give a reason for this.

         Horav Eliyahu Baruch Finkel, zl, cites the commentary of the Ramban to Parashas Bo, where he writes that the purpose of Creation was that we should pay gratitude to the Creator, and that the purpose of mitzvos is to serve as a vehicle for us to have faith in Hashem and thank Him for creating us. In other words, the purpose of our creation, the purpose of the Torah and mitzvos, is to bring us to the point of appreciating what Hashem has done for us and to pay gratitude to Him for this unparalleled gift.

With this in mind, Rav Eliyahu Baruch distinguishes between the Korban Todah and the other korbanos such as: Olah, Elevation/Burnt-Offering; Chatas, Sin-offering; Asham, Guilt Offering; Shelamim, Peace offering. The aforementioned korbanos are each brought to complete or repair something that is lacking, a deficiency that was created by a misstep on our part. A Sin-offering or Guilt-Offering is there to atone for an infraction on our parts – be it unintended or intentional. We created a void which must be repaired. Even the Korban Olah atones for one’s non action concerning a mitzvas aseih, positive mitzvah, or inappropriate thought which did not lead to action. Something was left lacking, which must be corrected via the act of penance by offering a korban. The Shelamim, Peace-offering, is just that: an offering that increases peaceful relationships and harmony among people as they share in the Korban. Something is corrected by these offerings.

In the future, everything will be perfect, thus circumventing any reason for atonement or repair. Korbanos will become obsolete, because sin and lack of harmony will be antiquated. Saying “thank you” will never become outmoded. Gratitude is and always will play a dominant role in our lives. It is the purpose of the creation of man. This idea applies equally to prayer, of which all – except for prayers of gratitude – exists to complete an inadequacy which is the result of spiritual deficiency. Gratitude will always be necessary, because, without it, we are not human.

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