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ראה נתתי לפניך היום את החיים ואת הטוב ואת המות ואת הרע... ובחרת בחיים

See – I have placed before you today the life and the good, and the death and the evil… and you shall choose life. (30:15, 19)

After all, what else should one choose? Why would anyone be so foolish as to choose death? Apparently, some of us remain clueless with regard to the definition of evil and death. Indeed, some still have difficulty distinguishing between good and evil – life and death. Yes, there are those who think that they are very much alive, despite the fact that they are “living” a slow death. The Torah gives us a clue as to the meaning of life when it exhorts us to choose life. Why? Because – “so that you will live, you and your offspring.” In…

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כי המצוה הזאת... לא נפלאת היא ממך ולא רחוקה היא לא בשמים... ולא מעבר לים... כי קרוב אליך הדבר מאד

For this mitzvah… it is not hidden and it is not distant… it is not in Heaven… nor is it across the sea… rather, the matter is very close to you. (30:11-14)

The Ramban interprets “this mitzvah” as a reference to the mitzvah of teshuvah, popularly called repentance. The word teshuvah is thrown about very much at this time of year. It is especially appropriate on this last Shabbos of the year to focus on its meaning and necessary impact on our lives. The word repentance is a powerful word and truly does not define the essence of teshuvah. The process of teshuvah is the process of return. Thus, a baal teshuvah is not simply a “born again”–  repentant — person, but rather, someone who is returning – either to his original…

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הנסתרות לד' אלקינו והנגלות לנו ולבנינו עד עולם לעשות את כל דברי התורה הזאת

The hidden (sins) are for Hashem, our G-d, but the revealed (sins) are for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of the Torah. (29:28)

An abundance of commentary is available to explain the application of the nekudos, dots, above u’l’vaneinu, “And for our children.” We will address the commentary of the Chafetz Chaim, zl, because of its depth – despite its apparent simplicity. When a person writes a note, pens a statement, and he wants to make a point, underscore a certain idea, he will underline, bold, or highlight it in some noticeable manner. Hashem sought to teach Moshe Rabbeinu an important lesson, one that he should impart to the Jewish People, one that He wanted them to underscore in building their future: it…

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אתם נצבים היום... לפני ד' אלקיכם

You are standing today… before Hashem, your G-d. (29:9)

Hayom, today, alludes to the special day, Rosh Hashanah, when we all stand in judgment before Hashem. This day is different, for on this day, as Horav Nosson Wachtfogel, zl, comments, we enter into the palace of the King. We have a private conference, during which we think of nothing else: not of the past; not of the future; just the present. Our conversation does not revolve around ourselves; it is not for our personal requests. Rather, on this day we coronate Hashem; we praise Him and pray that today will be the beginning when all creatures, all peoples, will…

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