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ויאמר קין אל הבל אחיו

Cain spoke with Hevel, his brother. (4:8)

Targum Yonasan gives us a clue concerning the conversation that took place between the world’s first two brothers. Kayin said, “There is no Judge, and there is no Justice; there is only one world; there is no reward for the righteous and no punishment for the wicked.” Hevel, of course, disputed each point. These words led to physical violence, during which Hevel was killed. We wonder at Kayin’s hypocrisy. Here is a man who had just offered a sacrifice to Hashem, and he was distraught that Hashem was more pleased with Hevel’s sacrifice than his. If Kayin felt there was…

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אלה תולדות השמים והארץ בהבראם ביום עשות ה' אלקים ארץ ושמים

These are the products of the heaven and the earth when they were created on the day that Hashem G-d made earth and heaven. (2:4)

The Torah now focuses on the events preceding the creation of man. In the second interpretation he offers in his commentary to this pasuk, Rashi explains the word b’hi’baram, “when they were created,” to mean that Hashem created them with the letter “hay.” This is supported by the pasuk in Yeshayah 26:4, “With ‘kah’ (G-d’s Name is spelled with “yud” and “hay”), G-d created worlds.” In other words, b’hay baram means that the two worlds – this temporary world and the Eternal world – were created with the letters that connote Hashem’s Name, “yud” and “hay.” The letter “hay” was used…

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ותוצא הארץ דשא עשב מזריע זרע למינהו ועץ עשה פרי

The earth brought forth vegetation, grass producing seed of its kind, and trees producing fruit. (1:12)

There is a fascinating Midrash concerning this pasuk that should give us all something to ponder. Chazal teach us that when Hashem created iron, the trees became distressed, because the sharp blade of the axe could destroy them. Hashem replied to the trees, “Do not worry. As long as you do not provide wood for the axe handle, the blade will remain harmless.” The simple lesson from this Midrash is: We are our own worst enemies. We shoot ourselves in the foot. No one can impose worse harm on us than the harm we cause ourselves. Ask anyone, however, who…

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בראשית ברא אלקים את השמים ואת הארץ

In the beginning of G-d’s creating the heavens and the earth. (1:1)

Sefer Bereishis is aptly given its name since it is the “first” of the Chumashim. The Talmud in Avodah Zarah 25a has another name for Sefer Bereishis: Sefer HaYashar or Sefer Yesharim, the Book of Righteousness. Yashar means more than righteousness. It means straightfor- wardness, integrity, mentchlichkeit, human decency. Sefer Bereishis chronicles the lives of the Avos, Patriarchs, men who exemplified righteousness to G-d and mentchlichkeit to all human beings. In the preface to his commentary on Sefer Bereishis, the Netziv, zl, expands on this idea. The Patriarchs distinguished themselves not only in their relationships with Hashem, which was on the…

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בראשית ברא אלקים את השמים ואת הארץ

In the beginning of G-d’s creating the heavens and the earth. (1:1)

Sefer Bereishis is aptly given its name since it is the “first” of theChumashim. The Talmud in Avodah Zarah 25a has another name forSefer Bereishis: Sefer HaYashar or Sefer Yesharim, the Book ofRighteousness. Yashar means more than righteousness. It means straightforwardness,integrity, mentchlichkeit, human decency. Sefer Bereishischronicles the lives of the Avos, Patriarchs, men who exemplifiedrighteousness to G-d and mentchlichkeit to all human beings. In the prefaceto his commentary on Sefer Bereishis, the Netziv, zl, expands on this idea.The Patriarchs distinguished themselves not only in their relationships withHashem, which was on the highest spiritual plane, but also in their dailydealings with…

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