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“You shall make vestments of sanctity for Aharon your brother, for glory and splendor.” (28:2)

One Friday night shortly after he arrived in America, the Satmar Rebbe, z.l., spoke to his chasidim about the significance of wearing the European garb: Shtreimel,  fur hat, and bekishah, long silk frock. During his talk, he cited the Ksav Sofer’s comment regarding the pasuk detailing Hashem’s instructions to make Priestly vestments for glory and splendor. He explained that during the time of the second Bais HaMikdash, there were Kohanim who did not measure up to the Priestly standard expected of them. They needed the special vestments to remind them of their exalted position and its concomitant responsibilities. There were,…

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“They shall make garments of sanctity for Aharon your brother and his sons, to minister to Me.” (28:4)

Should it not have used the plural “l’Kohanam” “that they shall minister to Me?” After all, the garments were being made for Aharon  and his  sons,  who  were  also  to  become Kohanim serving in the Mishkan together with their father. Horav Mordechai Gifter, z.l., posits that the Kehunah, Priesthood, which was granted to Aharon’s sons was an extension of Aharon, because they were “tafel”, secondary, to him. They made themselves insignificant and subordinate in regard to their father. He was the Kohen; they were his sons. They did not attribute any consequence to themselves. They were Kohanim only because they were his…

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“This is the matter that you shall do for them to sanctify them to minister for Me.” (29:1)

The Kohanim were to be consecrated by means of the rituals which the Torah is about to describe. It begins with a sacrifice service, as explained in Sefer Vayikra, which would atone for various indiscretions in human behavior. The word, “davar,” which is translated as “the matter” can also be rendered as “the word.” Rabbeinu Bachya infers that the Torah alludes to the time when there will no longer be a Sanctuary and a Mizbayach upon which to offer sacrifices. At that time, we must resort to “words” of Torah and prayer as our vehicle to seeking atonement and meriting…

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“(And) Now you shall command the Bnei Yisrael.” (27:20)

By beginning the Parsha with the words, “Now you  shall command,” it seems to imply that heretofore, the previous Parsha which   addressed   the   construction   of   the   Mishkan,   was not referring to Moshe Rabbeinu. Now, the command is directly to Moshe Rabbeinu. However, this is not true, because in the previous Parsha, the Torah addresses Moshe Rabbeinu a number of times, with the word, “v’asisa,” and you should make. Moreover, in the previous Parsha Moshe is told to act, to take an active role in the construction, while here he is told merely to command. Why is this? The Ozrover Rebbe, z.l.,…

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“Aharon shall bear the judgment of the Bnei Yisrael on his heart constantly before Hashem.” (28:30)

The Kohen Gadol wore the Choshen Ha’Mishpat, Breastplate, over his heart. Aharon HaKohen was selected by Hashem to be the first Kohen Gadol, the progenitor of the Kehunah Gedolah. Chazal tell us that Aharon merited this distinction because of a unique quality which he exemplified – the character trait of “nosei b’ol im chaveiro,” bearing the   yoke with his friend. While to empathize with others, to be sensitive and feel their pain as well as their joy, is a character trait that should distinguish all Jews, it was Aharon who set the standard for this middah. Regarding Aharon’s relationship with his…

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“For the sons of Aharon you shall make Tunics…and you shall make them Headdresses for glory and splendor.” (28:40)

The Migbaas, Headdress, worn by the Kohen was very distinctive. Rashbam explains that since it is worn on the head, the highest portion of the body, it is noticed and transmits an image of the individual who is wearing the Headdress. The Migbaas and Mitznefes, Turban, were to be regarded as specific marks of distinction or worthiness, similar to the crown worn by a king. The Kohen’s Migbaas was made of white linen, reminding him that maintaining his purity, distancing himself from anything that is base and immoral, is his sine qua non. The Headdress was a subtle reminder of the…

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“And they shall take unto you pure, beaten olive oil for the light.” (27:20)

  The Midrash cites the pasuk in Yirmiyahu (11:16): “Hashem has called you a verdant olive tree.” Why did Yirmiyahu compare Klal Yisrael to an olive tree? The Midrash explains that while all drinkable liquids mix with one another, oil stands alone. Likewise, Klal Yisrael does not mix with other nations. In an alternative exegesis, the commentators suggest that when other liquids mingle one cannot tell which liquid is above and which is below. Oil, regardless of with what it is mixed, always rises to the top. So, too, when Klal Yisrael performs the will of the Almighty, they ascend…

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“You shall make vestments of sanctity for Aharon your brother, for glory and splendor.” (28:2)

One Friday night shortly after he arrived in America, the Satmar Rebbe, z.l., spoke to his chasidim about the significance of wearing the European garb: Shtreimel,  fur hat, and bekishah, long silk frock. During his talk, he cited the Ksav Sofer’s comment regarding the pasuk detailing Hashem’s instructions to make Priestly vestments for glory and splendor. He explained that during the time of the second Bais HaMikdash, there were Kohanim who did not measure up to the Priestly standard expected of them. They needed the special vestments to remind them of their exalted position and its concomitant responsibilities. There were,…

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“They shall make garments of sanctity for Aharon your brother and his sons, to minister to Me.” (28:4)

Should it not have used the plural “l’Kohanam” “that they shall minister to Me?” After all, the garments were being made for Aharon  and his  sons,  who  were  also  to  become Kohanim serving in the Mishkan together with their father. Horav Mordechai Gifter, z.l., posits that the Kehunah, Priesthood, which was granted to Aharon’s sons was an extension of Aharon, because they were “tafel”, secondary, to him. They made themselves insignificant and subordinate in regard to their father. He was the Kohen; they were his sons. They did not attribute any consequence to themselves. They were Kohanim only because they were his…

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“This is the matter that you shall do for them to sanctify them to minister for Me.” (29:1)

The Kohanim were to be consecrated by means of the rituals which the Torah is about to describe. It begins with a sacrifice service, as explained in Sefer Vayikra, which would atone for various indiscretions in human behavior. The word, “davar,” which is translated as “the matter” can also be rendered as “the word.” Rabbeinu Bachya infers that the Torah alludes to the time when there will no longer be a Sanctuary and a Mizbayach upon which to offer sacrifices. At that time, we must resort to “words” of Torah and prayer as our vehicle to seeking atonement and meriting…

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