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“And they shall make for Me a sanctuary, then I will dwell in their midst. (25:8)

  Rashi explains, and they shall make for My Name a house of holiness. Rashi emphasizes the correct attitude and proper intention one must have when donating to the Mishkan. A person is measured by the degree of his spiritual development which is realized through his relationship with holy sources. One source is man’s soul which is a minute fragment that is Divinely inspired. Another source is the dimension of time, namely shabbos during which one can experience spirituality. The Mishkan is a place in this world where one can attach  himself to a source of holiness. This can only…

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“And you shall make two cherubim of gold.” (25:18)

  Rashi explains that they had the form of the face of a child. The Holy Ark which contained the Torah, symbolized the importance of the proper attitudes necessary for the study of Torah. The faces of the Keruvim which were placed above the Ark had the form of children. There are various lessons to be derived from this. Rabbi Yosef Ber Soloveitchik Zt”l inferred that educating children is the foundation for the Divine Presence to dwell among us, since children are the guardians of the Torah, and therefore the security of maintaining the Jewish people as an eternal nation….

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“And you shall make the beams for the Mishkan of Shitim wood.” (26:15)

Chazal explain that the Shitim wood from which the walls of the Mishkan were made were from trees that did not bear fruit (Shemos Rabba 35:5). There is a lesson to be derived from this statement. It is not the structure that bears fruit; even the most beautiful building will not produce the spirit of Judaism. Buildings are but mere edifices of wood and stone, architectural monuments to mankind; but without the people inside, they are nothing. The Shitim wood of the Mishkan will not produce observant Jews and Torah scholars. It is the teaching that goes on inside which…

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