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“And the chasidah (stork) (11:19)

The Talmud explains that the chasidah was given this name due to its natural instinct of doing chesed (kindness) with other members of its species (Chulin 63a). The Rambam in the Morhe Nevuchim and the Ramban in his commentary on this parsha explain that the characteristics of the food that one eats will ultimately be absorbed into the nature of the person who eats them. The prohibition of eating the chasidah is therefore puzzling, since this bird performs acts of kindness. It would seem that partaking of it should be encouraged. The initial response is that the chasidah performs its…

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“Do not contaminate yourselves through them lest you become contaminated through them.” (11:43)

The Mesilas Yeshorim explains that one who is lenient regarding kashrus laws in those areas where Chazal have indicated stringency is destroying his soul. The Sifra comments on the above quoted posuk, “If you will contaminate yourselves through eating them, you will ultimately become spiritually defiled through them.” This means that consumption of forbidden food brings impurity and dullness into the heart of a person to the extent that the Shechina distances itself from him. It may be suggested that the concept of “forbiden food” may take various forms. The Mishna in Pirkei Avos states: “If three have eaten at…

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