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“Avenge the Bnei Yisroel against the Midyanites.” (31:2)

One of the loftiest character traits which an individual can possess is that of hakoras hatov (expression of gratitude). This gratitude has been misconstrued to mean merely a repayment of someone else’s benevolent deed. There are many aspects to this attribute. One is that hakoras hatov is an obligation by which an individual is duty bound not only to acknowledge the immediate source of benefit, but he is even responsible to discern that which brought about the action of his benefactors, and to express his appreciation to them for their role in his gain. Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz Zt”l notes from…

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“Arm from among you men for the military that they may go upon Midyan to bring Hashem’s retribution in Midyan.” (31:2)

 Rashi comments that the word “men” denotes “righteous men”. These were the type of individuals chosen to wage war against the Midyonites. After stating Klal Yisroel’s successes in battle, the Torah states that the soldiers brought all the spoils to Moshe (31:11). Rashi comments: This teaches us that they were honorable and righteous and were not suspected of robbery to send forth their hands to take from the booty without permission. This statement seems superfluous, since the Torah had previously made note that those chosen to serve as soldiers were righteous people. To respond, we must analyze the effects of…

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