How often do we attempt all avenues to resolve an issue that is plaguing us — economic, health, shidduchim — and everything that we do leads to a solid, impenetrable wall? All of a sudden, out of the blue, the issue is resolved in a manner that we least expected, or even thought possible. When we take the time to relax and introspect throughout the journey from travail to deliverance, we must ask ourselves: Was this Hashem’s plan from the very onset, that nothing we attempt works, so that we ultimately recognize, realize and acknowledge that: Hashem has a plan; He is in charge; and nothing that we do will alter the outcome? The answer to this pressing question is: yes.
Horav Chaim Brim, zl, explains that the greatest miracle associated with Yosef’s release from prison and his immediate rise to viceroy was just that. Imagine, Pharaoh who was probably the most powerful king in the world, a person who viewed himself as a deity, releases a lowly Hebrew slave, incarcerated with the dregs of society and, within minutes, elevates him to the number two position in the country. The most prolific fiction writer could not get away with such a story. Imagine, had the chamberlain, upon his release from prison, immediately remembered Yosef and mentioned to Pharaoh that he had met an extraordinary Jewish slave in prison who is able to interpret dreams, would Yosef have been released and elevated to stardom? Absolutely not!
Rabos machshavos b’lev ish, va’atzas Hashem he sakum, “Many designs are in a man’s heart, but the counsel of Hashem, only it will prevail” (Mishlei 19:21). Chazal teach that the chamberlain made all kinds of signs to remind himself to speak to Pharaoh on Yosef’s behalf. Heavenly angels undid his signs. If he would tie a knot to remind himself, they undid the knots. Hashem’s message to him was: “You forgot Yosef; I did not.” This is how it is in every aspect of our life’s endeavor. We can do everything, we can tie all forms of knots, but ultimately it all amounts to what Hashem has planned for us. When the time came, Yosef’s release from prison was unprecedented in the history of Egypt. Lowly Hebrew slave to viceroy is unimaginable, unless this is what Hashem wants. This is the powerful lesson to be derived from Yosef’s miraculous release.