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ויוסף אברהם

Avraham Avinu added, proceeded (25:1)

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The Torah informs us that Avraham remarried Hagar. The word Va’yosef, he proceeded, also means that he added. The Sefas Emes interprets this as an allusion that teaches us the importance of tosfos Shabbos, adding on to Shabbos, i.e. beginning Shabbos earlier and extending it past the set time. The Pnei Menachem zl explains that prior to Shabbos (Friday) and after Shabbos (Sunday) there are klipos, “shells” (metaphysical barriers between ourselves and the light of the Creator.) Which represent evil or impure forces. They are the klipah of Yishmael which is on Friday (their day of rest) and the klipah of Esav which is on Sunday, the day of rest selected by his descendants. By adding to Shabbos, we override the klipos by infusing the sanctity of Shabbos to counteract the impurity generated by them. The Arizal explains that this is implied by the prayer, V’haser Satan milfaneini u’mei’ achareinu, “And take the Satan from in front of us and from behind us.” This is a reference to the klipos that precede and follow Shabbos.

One who is unable to add “time” to Shabbos should add to its sanctity. The Imeri Emes zl suggested that we speak and act differently. This elevation/adding to the kedushah that has already permeated the day. Indeed, the Imrei Emes would don his Shabbos clothes much before the beginning of Shabbos. He instructed his chassidim to do likewise.

A distraught father came to the Pnei Menachem to weep over the terrible tzarah, anguish, that had befallen his family. One of his sons had been swayed from the path of observance and was now totally distant from Yahadus, religious observance. The entire family was broken up. The anguish that he was suffering had destroyed his taste for life. The mere thought that he would no longer see his son on the path of Torah was too much for him to handle.

The Rebbe replied, “My saintly father (the Imrei Emes) would say that a powerful segulah (protective or benevolent incantation or ritual) was to observe Tosfos Shabbos- and to use the extra time to recite Tehillim. The father, mother, and entire family began this ritual and, six weeks later, their son returned home.

I write this in hope that those who are in need will avail themselves of this segulah and will receive a benevolent response to their prayers.

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