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“You shall sanctify him for the bread of your G-d he offers, he shall be holy unto you.” (21:8)

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Horav Elyakim Schlesinger, Shlita, cites the Chazon Ish who once commented regarding a certain Torah scholar. This man had  disagreed with him regarding a halachic matter.  He  said that the scholar was actually an am ha’aretz, illiterate.  The Chazon Ish explained that the degree of one’s erudition is consistent with his ability to appreciate another person’s gadlus, superiority, in Torah learning.

One who has himself achieved literacy in Torah, recognizes its profundity.  He will, consequently, defer to another’s academic attainment in Torah.  One who is truly illiterate, and whose arrogance denies him the ability to perceive his own deficits, will often denigrate others.  A true talmid chacham gives honor where it is due.  An am ha’aretz lowers  himself  when he speaks disparagingly of others.

This is the pasuk’s message:  “You shall sanctify him,”  for it is a mitzvah to dignify the Kohen who has been chosen to serve Hashem and offer your korbanos.  Hashem has adjured us to appreciate the kedushah, distinct holiness, of the Kohen , and act accordingly.  If we do not act properly toward the Kohen,  it is a result of our own inability to recognize and appreciate kedushah.

This concept applies to the talmid chacham, Torah scholar, as well.  It is incumbent upon us  to exhibit  the proper reverence to one who embodies Torah.  Regrettably,  there are individuals who, simply because they have spent some time learning Torah in a yeshivah, feel that they have license to disparage anyone who is unfortunate enough to disagree with them.  They feel that the command to show respect does not apply to them.  After all, they know how to learn!  The Chazon Ish enlightens us.  One who does not exhibit proper respect for a Torah scholar demonstrates his own deficiency.

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