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“He shall not break his word.” (30:3)

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In Chagiga 10a Chazal state, that although an individual may not break his own word, others may do so for him. This refers specifically to the power of annulment which a Torah sage maintains. Annulment is a procedure by which a Torah scholar can absolve a person from his vow in applicable circumstances. In addition, certain halachic requirements must be met. The Kli Yakar explains the reasoning behind this dispensation. When a Jew makes a vow, he does so with the assumption that the Torah authorities will concur with his decision. Consequently, the Rabbi has the power to invalidate an inappropriate vow.


The Torah’s desire for a Jew to maintain a close bond with Torah sages is the cornerstone of this law. The Torah encourages spiritual linkage with Torah sages in all situations at all times. This is taught by the pasuk in Devarim, You shall not turn (from Hashem’s mitzvos) neither to the right or to the left” (5:29). Rashi says that this specifically means that one must heed the words of a sage in observing the mitzvos “even if he tells you that right is left and left is right.” Indeed, this enjoinment applies even in such extreme circumstances as when it seems clear to us that the Rabbi is saying that left is right. A Jew must maintain an unfaltering faith in Torah sages, for their perception of a situation is enhanced by their ability to view it through the crystalline vision of Torah perspective. We must tenaciously accept upon ourselves the authority of the Torah sages of each generation who interpret the will of Hashem. The difficulty, however, surfaces in identifying those sages who really represent daas Torah. Disagreement among people as to who is deserving of this mantle will inevitably be routine. It is compulsory that the true Torah sage be an exceptional scholar with unquestionable moral rectitude. His halachic decisions must be totally untainted by personal prejudice, and his entire demeanor must reflect yiraas shomayim (fear of Heaven). Such an individual is the embodiment of Torah, and therefore represents true Daas Torah.

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