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“When a woman conceives and gives birth to a male.” (12:2)

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 “Back and front You have fashioned me” (Tehilim 139). In the Midrash it is stated that “back” refers to the first day of Creation. If a person is worthy he is told “you came before the entire work of creation”, but if he is not worthy he is told “even a gnat preceded you.” This Midrash is used as an explanation for the placement of the laws of contamination that emanates from human beings after the laws of tumah, resulting from contact with dead animals. The Torah follows the pattern of Creation. Just as humans were created after animals, so too, the laws relating to human beings follow those of animals.

In the process of Creation, Hashem added to the emerging universe day by day. Each new day of Creation added something to that which preceded it. Man was to be the ultimate addition, the crowning touch, to Hashem’s creations. Everything prior to this moment, was adding something new to that which had been before, preparing for man who would pull all of creation together, to fulfill its sublime purpose of spirituality and the performance of Hashem’s will. If man would not accomplish and succeed in his mission, then there would be no need for him. On the contrary, when uncontrolled and greedy, man harms his fellow humans and the very balance of the universe becomes shaky and irregular. If man is worthy he vindicates all of Creation, and it is for his sake that everything was created.

On the other hand, if he is not worthy and he has not added anything of substance to Hashem’s handiwork, then he is told “even a gnat preceded you”. Since you have not lived up to your charge and mandate, then there is no need in your creation. To have one more living creature is not a reason for existence. For that I have gnats and other similar creatures, who are alive without contributing to the betterment of the world.” It is only by contributing to the world’s existence does man fulfill his mandate from Hashem and achieve purpose for his creation.

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