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“They shall make garments of sanctity for Aharon your brother and his sons, to minister to Me.” (28:4)

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Should it not have used the plural “l’Kohanam” “that they shall minister to Me?” After all, the garments were being made for Aharon  and his  sons,  who  were  also  to  become Kohanim serving in the Mishkan together with their father. Horav Mordechai Gifter, z.l., posits that the Kehunah, Priesthood, which was granted to Aharon’s sons was an extension of Aharon, because they were “tafel”, secondary, to him. They made themselves insignificant and subordinate in regard to their father. He was the Kohen; they were his sons. They did not attribute any consequence to themselves. They were Kohanim only because they were his sons.

What a beautiful way to raise a family. Every parent should aspire to set such a tone in his home, whereby he is the mashpia, one who influences and inspires his children, imbuing in them a love for Torah and fear of Heaven. Every child should seek to be part of his parent; every parent should see his positive imprimatur on his child.

We may extend this idea further. Just before Aharon HaKohen died, his vestments were transferred to his son Elazar, who assumed the position of Kohen Gadol. Chazal teach us that miraculously they assumed their correct position on Elazar, in their proper sequence. In other words, even though Elazar donned Aharon’s outer garments first, they ended up above the undergarments which were put on last. The commentators struggle to find a reason for this miracle. It is as if there had to be an immediate direct transfer from Aharon to Elazar. Aharon’s vestments as they were on him were to be transferred to Elazar in their entirety. According to Horav Gifter’s thesis, Elazar’s Kehunah was actually Aharon’s Kehunah. It was none other than the same. Thus, Aharon’s vestments must be donned by Elazar as they are removed from Aharon. What a new concept in the “changing of the guard.” Aharon passes on; Elazar assumes his position. The old position never changes; it is the new person that assumes the original position.

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