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“And what the land is, whether it is fat and lean, whether there are trees therein, or not.” (13:20)

  Rashi explains that “.g” (tree) serves as a metaphor for an an honorable, righteous man who will protect the country by his merit. This explanation seems peculiar, for if Moshe was inquiring as to the presence of a righteous honorable man, should he not have sent the spies searching in the houses of prayer and study? Why did he send them to the public thoroughfares of the city, and to the gardens and orchards? When a city has righteous and honorable rulers, it reflects their presence in all areas of the city proper. The influence of a great person…

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“And we were in our own eyes as grasshoppers and so we were in their eyes.” (13:33)

 The Kotzker Rebbe Zt”l remarks that this statement was considered to be one of the sins of the spies. Although it was wrong to be bothered by their own smallness in contrast to the giants of the land, it was also improper to be concerned by the people’s opinion of them. What interest was it to them in what manner they were being viewed by others? The sentiments of others shouldn’t affect a man’s rightous mission. Perhaps we may add that this feeling of inferiority displayed by the spies was the source of their misinterpretation and slanderous views of Eretz…

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“And the people wept through that night.” (14:1)

According to the Talmud in Taanis (29a) “that night” refers to Tisha B’av, the day to be known as the most tragic day in Jewish history. The greatest tragedies befell us on that day. The Talmud in Sanhedrin (104:b) cites a reason for this: “Because you wept so unnecessarily on this night, I will establish this night as one on which you will cry for all time.” It seems that our weeping and undeserved protest and complaints were the cause of Tisha B’av. This over-indulgence and over-reaction was an extreme expression of a lack of faith and trust in Hashem….

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