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ואם בחוקתי תמאסו

But if you disdain My decrees. (26:15)

There are forty-nine kelalos, curses, in the Tochechah, Admonition, of Sefer Vayikra. In the Talmud Megillah 31b, Chazal teach that the entire Admonition must be read in one Aliyah. The reading should not be interrupted for an Aliyah break to call another person up to the Torah. The sages derive this from a pasuk in Mishlei 3:11, Mussar Hashem beni al timaas, “Hashem’s reproach, my son, do not disdain.” In order for one to derive the full benefit of the lesson which is being taught, it is necessary that the lesson not be interrupted. Then the listener can grasp the…

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וכל ערכך יהיה בשקל הקדש

Every valuation shall be in the sacred shekel. (27:25)

Voluntary contributions to the Sanctuary were a significant source of funding for the maintenance of the Temple. One would think that the laws concerning such valuations would be placed earlier in Sefer Vayikra, which deals with the Temple offerings. Horav S.R. Hirsh, zl, explains that these gifts were excluded by design, lest one think that his contributions replaced mitzvah performance. Voluntary contributions do not atone for laxity in mitzvah observance. The above pasuk teaches us that every evaluation is to be measured in Shekel ha’Kodesh, sacred shekel. Horav Moshe Shternbuch, Shlita, renders this pasuk homiletically to teach us a valuable…

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“If you will follow My decrees and observe My commandments… then I will provide your rains in their time…you will eat your bread to satiety…I will provide peace in the land.” (26:3-6)

The Torah provides the recipe for success, material abundance, and peace: connect with the Torah. We are faced with problems, vexing situations, challenges to overcome. Where do we turn for the answer? How do we get out of the quicksand of life’s challenges? “If you will follow My decrees” – “Im bechukosai teileichu” – connect with the Torah. It is the wellspring, the source of life and sustenance. In it you will find the answer. It will provide the solution to your problems. Horav Yaakov Galinski, Shlita, once spoke to a group of not yet observant Jews and gave the…

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“If you consider My decrees loathsome.” (26:15)

Rashi explains that this pasuk refers to one who hates the sages that have expounded the ordinances, who denigrates Torah scholars, ridiculing them, humiliating them, despising them. The reason for this unwarranted hatred is simple: they represent everything he seeks to destroy. The Torah scholar demonstrates that Torah is viable; it refines and develops an individual into the consummate example of what a human being should be. The individual who blatantly takes it upon himself to impugn the authority and honor of a venerable Torah sage will answer to Hashem. In the sefer, Likutei Imrei Avos, cited by Horav Yitchak…

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If you will follow My decrees and observe My commandments and perform them. (26:3)

The opening words of the pasuk – Im bechukosai teilechu, “If you will follow My decrees” – are not addressing the subject of mitzvah observance, since the words that immediately follow are, v’es mitzvosai tishmeru, “and observe My commandments.” Rashi’s observation is well-known: Apparently, Im bechukosai teileichu teaches that one must be amal, exert himself and toil in Torah. In other words, Torah study that is simple “learning,” is insufficient to protect a person. In order to fulfill Hashem’s mandate concerning Torah study, he must labor when he studies and learn with fervor, passion and enthusiasm. This is a nice…

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Then they will confess their sin and the sin of their forefathers for the treachery with which they betrayed Me. (26:40)

We can understand saying Viduy, confessing one’s own sins, but why must we repent for the sins of our parents?  We have  a hard enough  time  dealing with  our  own issues – let alone those of our forebears. Horav Chaim Zaitchik, zl, explains that this reasoning would be justified in the event that we were not to be responsible for the sins of our parents. However, when our actions, cause our parents to sin, it is an entirely different story. Children, young and old, make excessive demands on their parents which can lead to parents doing things which are inappropriate,…

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“If you will follow My decrees and observe My commandments… then I will provide your rains in their time…you will eat your bread to satiety…I will provide peace in the land.” (26:3-6)

The Torah provides the recipe for success, material abundance, and peace: connect with the Torah. We are faced with problems, vexing situations, challenges to overcome. Where do we turn for the answer? How do we get out of the quicksand of life’s challenges? “If you will follow My decrees” – “Im bechukosai teileichu” – connect with the Torah. It is the wellspring, the source of life and sustenance. In it you will find the answer. It will provide the solution to your problems. Horav Yaakov Galinski, Shlita, once spoke to a group of not yet observant Jews and gave the…

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“If you consider My decrees loathsome.” (26:15)

Rashi explains that this pasuk refers to one who hates the sages that have expounded the ordinances, who denigrates Torah scholars, ridiculing them, humiliating them, despising them. The reason for this unwarranted hatred is simple: they represent everything he seeks to destroy. The Torah scholar demonstrates that Torah is viable; it refines and develops an individual into the consummate example of what a human being should be. The individual who blatantly takes it upon himself to impugn the authority and honor of a venerable Torah sage will answer to Hashem. In the sefer, Likutei Imrei Avos, cited by Horav Yitchak…

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“If you will follow My decrees and observe My commandments… then I will provide your rains in their time…you will eat your bread to satiety…I will provide peace in the land.” (26:3-6)

The Torah provides the recipe for success, material abundance, and peace: connect with the Torah. We are faced with problems, vexing situations, challenges to overcome. Where do we turn for the answer? How do we get out of the quicksand of life’s challenges? “If you will follow My decrees” – “Im bechukosai teileichu” – connect with the Torah. It is the wellspring, the source of life and sustenance. In it you will find the answer. It will provide the solution to your problems. Horav Yaakov Galinski, Shlita, once spoke to a group of not yet observant Jews and gave the…

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“If you consider My decrees loathsome.” (26:15)

Rashi explains that this pasuk refers to one who hates the sages that have expounded the ordinances, who denigrates Torah scholars, ridiculing them, humiliating them, despising them. The reason for this unwarranted hatred is simple: they represent everything he seeks to destroy. The Torah scholar demonstrates that Torah is viable; it refines and develops an individual into the consummate example of what a human being should be. The individual who blatantly takes it upon himself to impugn the authority and honor of a venerable Torah sage will answer to Hashem. In the sefer, Likutei Imrei Avos, cited by Horav Yitchak…

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